Chapter 40

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It was the week after my birthday and I got the worst news i have had in a long time. Me and Ethan were cuddled up on the couch and I got a phone call from my mom.
"Sweetheart are you sitting down?" My moms voice was shaky.
"Yeah" now i was worried.
"Ashley died" my heart dropped.
"What happened?" I was shaking and didn't know what to say.
"She was in a horrible car crash." I was on the verge of tears.
"Ill have to talk to you when your here." I hung up and looked at Ethan. It was on speaker phone and Ethan knew.
"She's gone" I began to flood with tears. The thought of going to a funeral. For someone who helped me so much. I wouldn't be this happy of a person without. And she's gone.

It was the day. I had say good bye to the closet person i had besides Ethan and Brooklyn.

It was a cold day and the service wasn't long but for some reason i was asked to speak at it. So i did.
"Hi, I'm Aria one of Dr. Ashleys clients. As i guess a lot of you were. But she was one of the 3 people i was closet to. My best friend. Some would say. This is the person that helped me threw my worst. My absolute worst. She helped me out of it. Just about a week and a half ago she was at one of my birthday parties. She told me, you are such a amazing kid. Your gonna change the world someday and you don't even know it. Thank you Ashley for making my life so amazing. I dont know what I'm gonna do without you." I layed a rose down and sat back down.

After everyone had left and it was me at her tomb. I said things that i could say because it was just me.
"Hey girly. I cant believe your gone. You helped me so much. I couldn't have been happy without you. I'm so sorry you had to go. I hope your happy up there. But please look after me because i will know I'll be just fine. Alright bye girly talk to you later"

I walked into my house, Ethan and Brooklyn were standing there waiting for me.
"Thought you might need us here" Brooklyn smiled.
"Thank you so much" I hugged the both of them.
"I thought the last day of school is tomorrow. So we can go party it up!" I smiled and laughed.
"Yes I'll party it up that its the end of the school year finally"
"Guys we are gonna be seniors" Ethan added.
"Woah! Top of the pyramid!"  Brooklyn smiled and laughed.
"I'm happy! Just sad she's gone. You guys don't have to cheer me up." I smiled at them
"Don't worry we want to be here" Ethan held my hand.

We hung out and watched movies that night. One of the most fun nights of life. We laughed, smiled, and even got pretty scared. Those dang scary movies. We fell asleep in the living room all together. Then it was time to conquer the last day.

We all woke up and got ready. I was wearing shorts and t-shirt from adidas, Brooklyn was wearing what she calls a sups cute top, Ethan wearing a tank top and shorts. We drove our separate cars so we could all go home separate. It was a half day so it all passed quick. But it felt surreal that my junior year was ending. It was English with Ethan and i was smiling at him.
"Funny how in the beginning of the year these are the seats that made you go to the party." He smiled at me.
"I'm so happy i said yes to going." I held his hand.
"Me too" he kissed me and smiled.

Then the final bell rang and it was summer. I was at my locker and as everyone planned we all threw our papers in the air and it was snowing papers. I closed my locker and of course Ethan was standing behind it.
"Happy nine months" he smiled and hugged me. I kissed him then we headed towards the doors. Groups of people at each door were waiting. Then the doors open and everyone was screaming and excited for summer. Me and Ethan went to our cars that were parked Side by side.
"So ill see you tonight at Nate's house?" He smiled about to get in his car.
"Yeah ill see there" he hugged me.
"Alright I love you" his hand on cheek look at me.
"I love you too" I kissed him then got into my car and headed home.

"Hey girl" Brooklyn got into the car.
"So i have to tell you something...Me and Grayson aren't a thing" i was surprised. I had a sip of my drink.
"And I've been kinda talking to Nate." I almost spit up my drink.
"Really? Why are you with another guy every few months?" I questioned her.
"Really. I'm not over Cameron" I smiled at her as i felt the pain of getting over someone. I definitely know the feel.
"I'm sorry." I smiled and she snapped back.
"Anyways who's ready to party?" She smiled and began to drive.

When we arrived i noticed how large Nate's house was. I walked in and music was blaring and people were partying. It was mainly juniors. Everyone was celebrating that at midnight we would be seniors. It's funny how fast high school passes. I looked over and saw Ethan getting drinks. I ran over to him and he had one of the best smiles on his face.
"Fashionably late are we?" His arm was around me.
"Yes i am" i looked over and saw gray.
"Hey Gray" I smiled at him.
"Hey Aria" I could tell he was slightly buzzed.
"So who's gonna be the sober driver?" I smiled at Ethan.
"Definitely you. I already drank. Or we can stay at Nate's tonight?"
"Yeah that sounds like a good idea" i said taking Ethan's drink.

That night was one of the nights about high school I will forever and always remember. But boy did midnight feel like New Years. Everyone was counting down and at that moment. I knew i had to make the best of what i had left of high school.

A/N: so summers here! The book has one chapter left! How will the book end?

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