Chapter 24

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As the week has passed I have come to conclusion that I shouldn't go to anymore parties unless it is At Ethan and Grayson's house. No where else. What sucks the most is I'm scared to be alone no matter what. To the point where Ethan sleeps with me and drives me to school. Then barely leaves my side. I know I sound like one of those needy girls but I was alone for 5 minutes and everything went so wrong. This day though. Was worst of them all.

I woke up and felt fine. I woke up Ethan then we got ready for school. Me and Ethan had already gotten to an argument in the car. I can't even remember what is was about that's how stupid it was. I walked into school and one of Taylor's friend pushed into me on purpose. That knocked down all my stuff. I just thought maybe a bad start. So then this is when it really escalated.

"Hey baby girl" Ethan held my hand after I grabbed my stuff.
"Yeah?" I smiled at him.
"I kinda have basketball practice today so? Are you gonna be fine to just drive home with Brooklyn?"
"Yeah that's fine" it wasn't though and o needed him. But I have to face stuff alone at some point. When we walked in Brittany was sitting in there with her group of friends.

As my math class went on the teacher called my name to answer the question to the equation.
"Uh.. 27?" I didn't quite know.
"God! Can't any of you kids pay attention? This is so annoying! I take my time to teach you guys and you can't even answer a simple equation? Can't you kids do anything right? And Aria cut deeper next time can you?" He yelled in the class room. I felt my eyes began to water. Then I looked at my wrist that were covered up of bracelets, and only some of the scars were showing. I looked down I at my paper and I saw were I was crying. The class finally ended and I got on to my text class.

When lunch came I didn't know what was worse lunch or Math. I told Ethan about it and he seemed pissed then I noticed Brittany and her friends begin to walk over and as the walked by they each set down blades in front of me. I began to cry and Ethan held me close. To make matters even worse the red head kid walked in from that night and I have never been so scared in my life. I cried onto Ethan's shoulder and he just held me close.

By the end of the day English my favorite hour with Ethan. Everyone's phones went off. We were having a free hour due to having a sub so everyone looked at there phones. A video of me screaming that night was airdropped to the whole school. Every one was looking at me and whispering. A girl I didn't really talked to much walked over to me.
"Hey Aria! I know you don't know me but I'm know who you are! I was just letting you know that everyone is really glad your safe and they are not talking about you in a bad way!" I smiled at her as my tears filled Ethan pulled me in and kissed me on the head.
"It's okay. I promise!" When the school day was over I felt like all I heard in the halls were "whore, and slut" nothing good. I was tired of it so I told the consular and she said she would take care of it. I found Brooklyn and we finally we home. On the way though we made plans to hang out over the weekend so we could bond some more because of these past few weeks.

My mom wasn't there so Brooklyn stayed with me until Ethan got back. When Ethan got back he had pizza and snack and everything. Just to make me feel better. Although this was a horrible day. I noticed that I'm still happy at the end of it to be alive. Ethan showed me that.

Authors note! Sorry for it being
So short just wanted to get it out here! Chapters will be long again after this one!

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