Chapter 3

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I woke up to no one at home. I got to enjoy my morning and eat breakfast. Then get ready. Of course got in Brooklyn's car drove to her house.
Which isn't a bad car ride so I didn't mind.

I pulled up to her house. Saw her come out in the front door with one of her darkest pair of sunglasses. And some water. She hoped in the car looked at me and said "why did I do that?"
"I have no clue. On the bright side you made out with Dallas!"
"I DID?!??"
"Yeah he was all over you. After you passed out he picked you up and toke you to your car."
"I passed out?"
"After you yelled I'm totally wasted"
"I remember that. So that's how I ended up in my room"
We laughed and talked about all the things she remembered and my walk with Ethan. This is my bestfriend one person I can always count on. That's why I love her as the sister I never had.

We walked in school immediately greeted my Ethan and Cameron. Brooklyn was asking Cameron all the things she had done. And he definitely told her because she was definitely embarrassed. Me and Ethan on the other hand just talked. I enjoyed just talking. As civil people. When he laughed I had to smile. That lit up my world for a second then it would fade and come back. Eventually the day started and me Ethan Brooklyn, and Cameron had to split ways. English came and me and Ethan walked together. Quite frankly I just wanted him to drive me home instead of Brooklyn's questions to drive me crazy. I asked and he was glad to. As the day ended Ethan came and got me. We got in his beautiful BMW which suited him.

"Aria your amazing"
"Why do you say that?"
"Because you just are" I then felt his hand on my thigh.
We talked and every time his hand moved up. I shook a little. I wasn't used to this attention. When he smiled it was like the world was starting to feel complete. Then I couldn't help to think about my mom.

I walked into the house greeted by a slap across my face. Then a beat on me and it was my mom. I couldn't get her off. I pushed kicked punched nothing worked. Until someone pulled her away. Ethan. He pulled me up got me in his car and sped off.
"Ethan take me back I'll be fine."
"No I can't put you back in danger"
"Please just take me back!"
"You will be fine! You can sleep at my place my parents won't care" nothing was working with this guy. I stayed quiet the whole ride home.

We walked in his house and forgot his parents were still out of town and that's why is didn't matter. "Thank you. For saving me back their" I looked at the ground and started sobbing.
"When did this happen. How long? I'm so sorry I wasn't their for you Aria this isn't your fault" he was trying to make excuses for me.
"Thanks Ethan" I shook away my tears and got back up. I wasn't gonna be desperate or needy. All of a sudden Ethan kissed me.

Ethan's lips soft and plumped up crashed into mine. The way it felt just felt right. A full on make out. "Jump" i jumped wrapped my legs around him. He walked up to his room. *We all know what happens and I don't feel comfortable writing that*

Back to normal
Ethan came out of the hallway with some food and drinks. We sat their and watched Netflix together. Weird thing is the chill part already happened. Grayson came in and sat with us and talked. And he was pretty cool. Which I was fine with. At about 10:30 i was tired very very tired (you already know why) I told Ethan and we laid in bed together. His arms wrapped around me. I felt safe with him. I mean you can only make me feel so safe which wasn't much, but it meant something. Like you actually care about me in general. I gently fell asleep. Then heard Ethan's phone buzz. "Who was that?"
"Annoying crazy Ex"
"Oh ok" he didn't lie or hold back.
Then fell asleep some. Heard another buzz. Then another. Then another.

Ethan's pos.
My phone buzzed. Over and over my ex Taylor wouldn't leave me alone. I slowly got up so I wouldn't wake Aria up and walked out of the room slowly. Pulled the handle and closed the door slowly. I looked at my phone 15 messages.
I called her I was so annoyed and didn't want to wake Aria up. Not that I was hiding anything. She already had a long day so I didn't want to make worse. So I called Taylor.

"Hey sweetheart"

"No don't start with me. I've been over you. Now go find someone else to mess with."

"But I lov-"

"No, love also means trust and I have none for you. So stop calling me!" And hung up.

Aria's Pos.
I pushed my ear against the wall and listened. Then heard the phone hang up and ran back to the bed. Ethan walked in and knew I was awake.
"I know your awake!"
"I know you don't want anything to do with your ex" I could see Ethan breathe heavy and his abs flex.
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you."
"I never really fell asleep" i sat up and fixed my hair.
"Oh, now I feel worse."
"Don't. You can come lay with me and make me feel better." Just to seal the deal laughed. Then layed back down. His arms wrapped around me and felt his warmth. I smiled a little.
"Why are you smiling?"
"Your really warm"
"Don't be. I like it"
The warmth gave me a scent of hope. I heard Ethan mumble something but I didn't bother to even ask. I could live with this every night. I felt my thoughts slip away. My eyes slowly closed and i fell asleep.

Authors Note:
Hope you enjoyed! I'll be having another few chapters come out in a few days!

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