Chapter 21

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Great! School. I already know when everyone looks at me and gives me the 'I'm sorry look' it sucks. I hate that look. But Ethan will be there right beside me.

I woke up to a text from Ethan.
Ethan <3: have a wonderful day beautiful!
Aria: you too handsome! ;)

I know cringe. But that is the way we speak to each other. After I go Myslef ready for the day. I made sure my wrist were covered and I wore a watch on one hand and bracelets on the other. Everyone is already gonna be looking at me, they don't need to look at my wrists too.

I walked downstairs to the smell of a toaster strudel. My moms specialty.
"Hey sweetheart. Is it okay if you meet my boyfriend?" I was shocked but I was happy.
"Yes! Of course! After school right?"
"Yes! Be here 6:30 for dinner!"
"Okay mom! Love you bye!" Then ran out the door in shock almost.

I pulled next to Ethan's Range Rover and he got out and opened my car door for me.
"Thanks!" He kissed me on the cheek. He's so perfect.
"How are you feeling?"
"Actually super good!"
"Good!" Then we started walking in.

The moment I walked in I saw few heads turn. Thank god. Then more and more heads turned.
Brooklyn and Cameron ran over to me, Grayson most of my friends actually. They all walked close and nobody even asked me questions or anything. They just made sure I was okay.

When I got to my locker I already knew people were looking at me. Then when I closed it I was expecting to see Ethan like I normally do but it was the consular Mrs. Cooper.
"Hey Mrs. Cooper!"
"Ms. Woods in very upset with you!" I stood at my locker.
"You didn't come and talk to me! I could've helped!" I looked down. I felt bad that I just did it. But I can help it.
"I know! It's hard to tell people things like that! I'm sorry it just is!"
"I understand-" then Ethan walked over and put his arm around me.
"Hey Mr. Dolan! Just talking to your fri-"
"Girlfriend." Ethan looked at her.
"Oh, I had no clue! But I was just checking up on her." Then she walked away.
"Gosh I leave you for 5 minutes and your already bombarded!" We started walking towards my 1st hour. Which I didn't want to go to.

I walked in with the usually girls staring at me.
"Hey baby girl. I'll catch you after class right?" Ethan pulled me in for a hug and kissed me on the forehead.
"Yeah! I'll see you then!" This time he kissed me on the lips and walked out. I was walking towards my seat and I heard Brittany (one of the sophomores I always see with google eyes at Ethan) make a comment.
"Maybe she should cut deeper this time so I can finally hit that!" I had enough.

I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her out of the stool. She fought out of my grip then finally stopped.
"If you ever think you can have my boyfriend than you are dead wrong. If I knew I came back to hear your shitty remarks I would've cut deeper!" I yelled at her and I didn't care who heard this time.
"I glad Ethan didn't help because if I were him I would've slit your throat" I finally did the thing I've always wanted to do. I tightened my fist and sucker punched her right in the eye. Just so when ever she looks in the mirror she will remember what she said to me. Not for a day or two. But a few weeks; I made sure every morning she would look in the mirror and feel disgust as I did for my self.

I already knew I had to go to the principal after so I heard my teacher state,
"Woods to the principal! Tyler's! You too!" I heard her argue but I just walked out just were I needed to go.

"Woods you've never gotten into a fight." Dead silence. " I'm surprised! You've finally stood up for what you believe in."
"Your praising her for giving me a black eye!" Brittany cut in.
"No. But I knew you were making comments at her before the fight. Talking about her suicide. Therefore Woods back to class! Tylers stay here for your parents to come get you for your 2 day suspension" I left because it wasn't my fault.

The news traveled fast. To everyone in the school. By the time lunch came I was getting questions and whispers. I didn't care though. All I wanted was to hear Ethan and Brooklyn's voice.
"Hey my little fighter!" Ethan came and sat next time kissing me on the fore head. We laughed then Brooklyn walked over.
"Heyyyyy! What's up Rocky?" We all started laughing. These are the times we remember. We don't even realize it. Lunch junior year is what I will remember most.

"Hey you wanna come over?"
"I have a lot of homework! But I will when I done." Ethan didn't look happy but I did just come back after 4 days of not going to school.
"Okay! I'll see you in 3 hours?" He smiled
"Yeah!" I smiled at him.
"Alright! Your coming to the basketball game tomorrow right?" I nodded my head and smiled as a simple yes. Then he kissed on the forehead.
"Bye!" He got in his car and I got in mine and I drove home.

After I finished the homework I headed over to Ethan's. When Ethan's mom welcomed me in and talked to me about everything this past week. I went upstairs and Ethan was in the shower. So I just sat on his bed till he came out.

When he finally did he came out and smiled at me.
"Hey I was gonna join you but I wasn't feeling the vibe right now!" Ethan smiled and ran the towel threw his hair.
"Your lucky I don't wanna get back in the shower or else I would so totally make out with you right now!" I smiled at him and put a shirt on.
"You can't make out with me? Or does that make you happy?" I laughed and then Ethan began to kiss me. Then it was a make out session. Nothing happened. But yet I just enjoyed that. I never realized how much better you enjoy life until you don't have it.

After I was lying with Ethan he had his arms around me tight. But I liked it that way. Everything about him I liked more. Just to enjoy the small moments. Cause that's what life is. Small moments and big moments. That all take our breath away. One day the world is gonna say. You have had enough breath taking moments. Why don't you hand it to someone else?

5 days ago that was not my day


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