Chapter 14

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I have to get up and get threw today. I can do it. Two more days till break. Thing is I have the flu. So I have to force my self to get up. I can do this. I can do it. I'll be fine. I can't do it.

Somehow I got up to go to school. I now know I should most likely where warmer clothes in days like these.

I went downstairs and my mom was making breakfast.
"Two more days!" She smiled and surprisingly making pancakes.
"Yeah I know. Just wished I wasn't sick." I sat down at the island. Still making the pancakes.
"Have you told Ethan?" I was annoyed. I didn't want to talk about that right now.
"No mom. I haven't" she was now annoyed.
"So, you guys are good right?" I smiled and nodded.

Thing is we weren't. Ever since the whole Taylor thing at the party we haven't talk a whole lot. Just the usual morning walk in and lunch. And barely there. This has been a long week. I'm sick and pregnant. Ethan doesn't know about either. It just sucks.

I got in my car and played a wonderful playlist. It's called car. Woah! I know so cool. Me and Grayson thought of it. How original? It just wakes me up and makes me happy for the school day. Well as happy as I could be. I never realized how nice my car is until I start listing to music. It sounds so good.

When I pulled up to school Ethan was already their. When I pulled up he automatically got out of the car. Then opened the door.
"Yes, please open the door for me." I looked at him while grabbing my bag and turning the car off.
"Dude, Brooklyn's pregnant?" I looked at him and just nodded.
"You knew?" I nodded again. Then got out of the car.
"Good thing your not I would be freaking out" he then held my hand. That's awkward. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I missed this. I put my head on his shoulder and we walked in together.

Of course when we walked in together Brooklyn and Cameron were fighting. She had started showing a tiny bit. But the girls at school just thought she gain weight. Idiots. When she saw me and Ethan she smiled and then went on with her conversation with Cameron.
"So when did she tell you?" Ethan looked at me.
"Umm a little before your birthday or so."
" well you wanna hangout tonight? Or are you still studying for finals?" Ethan looked at me and just pulled me in for a hug.
"Nope all done! We can hangout!" I felt Ethan kiss my forehand and I felt him smile and I knew what that meant. Locker time! Woo!

I closed my locker scared by Ethan. The usual honestly. I walked into my next class and of course the google eye girls. They were already upset because me and Ethan were holding hands. But I was so upset. I was sick and pregnant so please don't mess with me. And today I was tired of it. So I kissed Ethan and Ethan knew I had to make then jealous.
"I see you later baby girl!" He smiled then winked and left. I walked past the girls and smiled.
"Better find you a man like that girls! And stop staring mine down." They were mad and I didn't care. I sat down and class began.

At lunch it was just me and Brooklyn for a second.
"So I found out-" I cut her off.
"Your keeping it!" She looked upset but she didn't care.
"No. It's a girl!" She smiled. And we laughed.
"So adoption?" I looked at her.
"Cameron's mad. But I want to have a life. I want to have high school!"she was upset. I couldn't blame either I see both sides.
"What about your parents?" I looked at her and the she smiled and said.
"They were with me on adoption." It's best. Especially so young. I wish I knew what on earth I was doing with my life. Ethan then walked over and asked us
"What are you guys talking about?" I smiled and said,
"You" and smiled
"Oh really now?" He reached his arm on the back of my chair.
"Yup" then he kissed me. Small things like that mattered to me. Seems so small and so little bit yet it was everything.

After school ended Ethan came to my locker which was unusual.
"So I just remembered I have basketball." I smiled at him.
"It's fine we can hang out after I have to finish a writing thing and some reading so it's fine." He felt bad. But it didn't matter. I was fine with it. Stuff happens. I was a little upset. I wanted all the time with Ethan I could have.
"Hey? Is everything okay" Ethan knew something was wrong. I started crying. I missed Ethan and I just wish I could just tell Him. He pulled me in for a hug as I just cried on his chest.
"I miss you! You know that?"
"I miss you way more." He squeezed me a little. Then got on eye level to me.
"We will hang out all break I promise" hugged me again and headed to the gym. And I grabbed my purse because I didn't really have any homework. I just didn't want him to feel bad. I was still tearing up. And tears were still falling down my face. I was sick and it hurt. A lot. Everything hurt. I've never felt this bad while being sick.

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