Chapter 5

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*just so you know arias hair is down*

I walked downstairs and Ethan grabbed my hand. Then just told me how good I looked. I blushed almost in embarrassed face. But I wasn't. When we got in the car I noticed Ethan was wearing a nicer shirt then usual and some nicer pants then usual. He looked fantastic himself.

When we got to olive garden I was so hungry. We sat down in a booth next to the window. I ordered calamari and just had salad and breadsticks. Me and Ethan just had the calamari together. Which is delicious!
"So your dad is coming on Monday?" Ethan was grabbing some salad.
"Yeah," I toke a bite
"I'm gonna miss you in my bed" he looked back up at me.
I kinda choked on my salad and smiled.
"No really your warm!" He toke a bite laughing at me.
"So are you," taking a drink.
"About last nig-" I spoke again.
"That won't happen again, I have to much respect for you" he toke a break stick.
"Okay." I toke a another bite of salad. Ethan looked at my neck again, had a confused look on his face.
"That's what they make, make up for." I smiled at him.
"Now I never said there wasn't gonna be anymore make out sessions." The waiter walked over and I choked on my salad again. She looked at Ethan and gave him google eyes. I just rolled mine and she sat down the food on the table. Ethan held my hand and smiled.
"Thanks for taking me on this date babe" I made the waiter jealous. She rolled her eyes and walked away.
"So it's a date"
"Hell no. I may sleep in your bed but we're not dating"
"Why did you get jealous?" Ethan grabbed a piece of calamari.
"I never said I didn't like you" I smiled and ate a piece of calamari.
"Did I tell you, that you look absolutely stunning?" He ate some of his breadstick.
"Thank you? What's so different?" I ate some calamari.
"The hope on your face, the confidence on your face, everything pretty much." Eating his breadstick.
"Thank you, you look handsome yourself" I ate my breadstick.
He smiled "not as good as you" I smiled I couldn't be happier at this moment. After we were done I payed the bill and Ethan gave the tip because he knew I wouldn't give the waiter a tip.

At Cameron's house me and Ethan toke a picture together. So did me and Brooklyn. Then me, Ethan, Cameron, and Brooklyn toke a picture together. Then walked in.

"Cameron's place is super nice!" I told Ethan over the music.
"Yeah he throws awesome party's" me and Ethan walked over to the bar and Ethan just got me a drink because he knew he had to drive us home. Me and Ethan danced together. The drink in my hand. They way everything sounded. In this moment everything felt perfect. This moment lasted about a good 2 hours. Before I knew it I was pretty tipsy. But I don't have to drive home so I shouldn't worry. Then I kinda forgot everything.

Ethan's pos.

She is perfect. Everything. We danced and danced together. Then I noticed she was pretty giggles so I knew she was pretty drunk. It was about 2 am and half of the party was gone but not the whole party was not over. I went to the fridge to get water for Aria. Then I felt someone's hands around me, across my stomach and her head on my back. I thought it was Aria but I turned around and it was Taylor great.
"Ethan you can have me back" she went for a hug and I walked away and ignored her. I didn't like her. I dated her back in freshman year and she won't leave me alone.
"Ethan you know you miss me" I turned around, and looked at her and told her straight to her face, "you were a mistake, I have someone who actually cares about me. Not how much I'll buy for her, or hook up with her. Leave me alone. I can't stand you"
I walked away, I wasn't gonna let her ruin my perfect moment. I walked out to Aria sitting in one of the chairs just staring at the ground. I knew her head already hurt. And she was gonna have a massive hangover tommarow. I walked over to her and crouched in front of her handing the water.
"What toke you so long?" She groaned rubbing her head.
"Someone was talking to me" I'll tell her later.
"One of your friends?" She went to go open it and couldn't get it open and handed the bottle to open. She is so adorable.
"Far from that." I opened it and handed it to her.
"Thanks." She rubbed her head more.
"Hey why don't we head home? You can't get over this faster if you sleep threw it"
"That's fine" she went to go stand up but see fell back in her seat, I stood up just fine and held out her arms for me to carry her. God she's so cute. She stood up on the chair and held out her arms to me. She jumped and wrapped her arms around me I felt the water bottle hit my in the back. I got my grip so I wouldn't drop her. I wasn't really worried about that too much she was short and light. All of a sudden she dropped her water bottle and I turned and picked it up. That's when she was heavy when I had to bend down. I still helped her then Grayson opened the doors for me on the way. He opened the backseat of my car and I set her in the backseat. She was hit.
"Thanks dude" I closed the backseat of the car.
"Your welcome anytime! Is she gonna be fine?"
"She is gonna have a hell of a hangover, other then that she'll be fine."I stared to go to the drivers seat.
"Okay man see you at home!" Grayson closed my door. Then I drove home. I looked to make sure she was still asleep and She didn't wake up.

When I got home I opened the door to my house then came back and opened the door to Aria. Still sound asleep. She's so perfect. I picked her up bridal style and carried her threw the house to my room. When I set her down i toke off her shoes then I fixed the covers over her. Aria just was quiet. I got changed and got in bed with her. I wrapped my arms around her and she was so warm I felt myself start to fall asleep. Then I heard Aria say, "thanks Ethan" I just ignored it and went to sleep.

Authors Note: I really like this chapter! Btw Aria is gonna start hanging out with Grayson more often because this is a fanfic for both of them she is just dating Ethan. So yeah stay tuned! I'm just trying to start Ethan and Arias relationship! Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!!!! 💗

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