Chapter 28

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I pulled up to Taylor's house and then; talked Myself out of it.  When I pulled away I went back.
When we pulled up I made Brooklyn stay in the drivers seat. I walked up to the door. Then knocked. The door opened to Wesley Tucker. Who sleeps with every girl in the school. Especially Taylor.
"Where's Taylor at?" I yelled at him.
"Upstairs" he had just woken up and his hair was messy. I walked into the room and she looked very scared.
"Where the hell were you last night?" She was very surprised.
"I was here with Wesley!" She yelled.
"Okay. So you didn't see Grayson one time?" She knew what I was talking about.
"N-no" she stuttered.
"Karma's a bitch, I watch out when she bits you in the ass." I walked out leaving her there.

What was that about?"
"I thought she did something and talked myself out of beating her ass" me and Brooklyn started laughing.

By the time we were at the hospital they didn't know what was gonna happen. I walked in and Ethan was half asleep.
"Ethan?" I woke him a little.
"Hey baby girl!" He got up and hugged me.
"How are you?" He whispered.
"Okay. How are you?" I replied.
"Better they think she may have a little bit of a chance of waking up." I could feel him smile.


1 week later...

Cameron still hasn't woken up yet and I have a fear that maybe the doctors were wrong. As the school day and I got more and more tired Ethan still brightened up my day when he came to my locker. I grabbed stuff and closed the locker. Ethan put his arm around me and walked me to the car.
"I think Olive Garden would be nice to tonight right? Last week we didn't get a chance to!"
"Yeah that sounds like fun!" I sat in the car and Ethan got in the passenger seat.
"Remember 5 months ago when I begged you to come to my party and then you kicked me out of your car and told me you were gonna come?" He held my hand.
"Yeah I do. What about it?" I turned the car on.
"That's the moment I knew I had to date you at some point or even become your friend again. Either or I would've been happy" he smiled.
"Aw" I kissed him.
"Alright I'll be over 6?" He smiled and I nodded yes. He got out of the car and I pulled away and drove away.

I finished getting ready and got a phone call from Ethan.
"Hey I'm leaving right now make sure your ready!" I could hear the car starting.
"Alright see you soon!" Then I hung up. I sat and waited on the couch, and waited and waited. Then I heard a knock on the door.
"Hey beautiful!" He handed me flowers.
"Hey handsome!" Then kissed him on the cheek going into the kitchen to put the flowers in water.
"Where's your mom at?" He questioned.
"Work" I smiled faintly, because I missed her.
"Oh, do you want me to stay here tonight?" I nodded no.
"I'm good! It just reminds me of my dads house in Florida. Quiet, beautiful, what seemed so so big without anyone else there." I looked around. "Ready?"
"Yeah!" He opened the door for me and we got into his car.

We went to Olive Garden and ordered the same thing as usual.
"Hey, are you sure you don't want me to stay with you?" Ethan ate some of his salad.
"If you want to!" I gave him a smirk.
"Not like that!" He laughed.
"Mmm,hmm" we both laughed this time. Our food came out and we began to eat. Halfway Ethan's phone rang. I could hear the whole conversation.
"You need to get to the hospital now!" It was Grayson.
"Okay I'm out to eat, so I'll pack up and be right there" he ended the call and brought the waiter over.
"Hey I'm gonna need to pay the bill and some boxes"he smiled at the guy.
"Alright I'll be right over!" I looked at Ethan and he just nodded his head.
"I'm so sorry" he put his hands on his head.
"Ethan your fine. You can't help what happens!" I held his hand.

We walked into the waiting room and Grayson was there. He looked up and looked super sad. Then we headed toward Cameron's room. When we walked in she was awake and alive.
Then Grayson started laughing.
"You jerk!" I punched him on the shoulder. Me and Ethan ran up and hugged Cameron.
"How are you feeling?" Ethan talked to her with his arm crossed.
"I'm good other then almost dieing!" We laughed and the doctor walked in. It was the doctor that told me about my miscarriage. He looked at me and nodded his head.
"Hey Cam I'll be right back Im gonna go get something to drink" she smiled.

I went to the cafeteria and sat down. For a minute I thought about telling Ethan. But I couldn't bare to think about what he would do. Then I heard foot steps behind me. It was Grayson.
"That was the doctor wasn't it?" He came and sat down in front of me.
"Yeah" I began tear up.
"why haven't you told him?"  Grayson looked at me.
"I'm scared."
"Of what?"
"Him leaving. Or not wanting me. Or being mad." I began to have tears in my eyes.
"What's the real reason?" Grayson looked at me in the eyes this time.
"It hurts to talk about her." Now I was crying. He stood up and I stood up. He gave me a hug and starred at me.
"If you don't tell him. I wouldn't blame you. But I want you to one day" he let go and I cleaned myself up from the tears and mascara that fell down my face.

I walked back in when the doctor walked out. He looked at me and smiled. Then I saw Ethan and Cameron talking. I smiled at them and Ethan wrapped his arm around me and kissed
Me on the head.

When I finally headed home my mom was waiting. She didn't look to happy.
"Where were you!" She scolded.
"I was at the hospital, with Ethan. Cameron woke up" she let out a breath and looked up.
"Okay, you missed your therapist appointment. I got no calls from you. I was on break for a couple more hours and I have to head back. So I'll see you later!" She smiled and walked out the door. Which she has never done that before. By that I mean just leave and say, see ya later! Which I thought was weird.

I was sitting in my bed it was about 11:30 and I heard a knock on the door. I ran downstairs to see who it was.
"Who is it?" I yelled over the door.
"Room service!" A high pitched voice called from the other side the door. I opened it because I knew just who it was.

It was Ethan

Standing their. He pulled me in close and kissed me. Then kissed me more and more. We walked in a little more and closed the door. Before I knew it I was pushed against the door kissing Ethan.


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