Chapter 27

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I answered the phone and I heard Ethan's sobs. I automatically sat up.
"Ethan what's wrong? What happened?" I heard Ethan's sobs and felt horrible.
"Cam-cam- Cameron was shot" he stopped in the middle of his sentences when he cried.
"Ethan were are you?" My eyes began to tear up.
"The hospital she might still... live" the beautiful hope in his voice.
"I'll be right there"
"No, no please-" Ethan tried to stop me.
"Ethan she's not just your sister, she's one of my friends too. So I'll see you there" then I hung up.

I sat up and grabbed leggings and sweatshirt. Put on a pair of Uggs. Then woke my mom up.
"Mom, I have to go to the hospital." She sat up scared.
"What happened? Are you okay?" My mom look at me.
"I'm fine. Something happened with Ethan sister." I choked up at the thought.
"Just make sure your at school tomorrow"
"Alright love you" I hugged my mom.
"I love you too" she squeezed back.

When I got in the car I decided to call my dad. I don't know if he would be up but I hope he would be. I ringed and he answered.
"Dad?" I made sure it was him.
"Yes?" He stated with a upset tone.
"I'm sorry for what I did." I reversed out of the drive way.
"No I'm sorry, I just don't want you to throw your life away. After what I said to you that day I thought you never would want to talk to me" I could hear him almost choking on his words.
"No dad. I love you. I'm glad your talking to me." I made a left towards the highway.
"Aria, I need to tell you something." I knew it wasn't something by his tone.
"Yes?" I asked.
"I'm sorry for not being there for you when you needed me. Instead I just shut you out. And I'm sorry" I heard the sorry in his voice. Which I never hear.
"Me too. I should've been safer." I apologized.
"I know you were as safe as possible. How did Ethan ever take the miscarriage?" I grabbed the wheel even hard merging on the highway.
"Dad I didn't tell him." I almost choked at my own words.
"He thinks your still pregnant?" He thought I told Ethan. Which I never did.
"No, I never told him at all" I felt tears going down my face.
"Oh, why not?" He was surprised.
"Well, I didn't want him to leave or hurt me. I just didn't want to see him think his life was just wasted away." I was such a baby. I should've just told Ethan when I found out.
"Sweetheart. Ethan wouldn't ever do that. I don't know him as much as you do. But I'm pretty serious he wouldn't."
  My dad had a comforting tone.
"I don't know and no point to risking it now." At this point I was worried if I told him now he would leave.
"Yeah I know. Wait why are you up at 3:40?" That question made me want to cry on why I was up at this hour.
"Well Ethan's sister had some issues and I'm on my way to hospital." I wiped away my tears and got off the freeway.
"Oh my goodness is she gonna be okay?" He knew I was hurt that Cameron was hurt.
"We don't know. Wait what are you doing at 2:40?" That just came to mind.
"Well I'm on my hour break then I go back." My dads voice. Is what made me never want to stop talking to him.
"Oh okay! I was kinda confused."
"Alright sweetheart. I hope Ethan's sister is okay. And I love you!"
"Love you too"

then the phone hung up and the music in the car came back on. How happy I was to say I love you to my dad was insane.

I pulled up to the hospital and parked. I ran in and asked where she would be. Then headed there. When I turned around after talking to one of the nurses I saw all of the Dolans. In tears. Which broke my heart. Ethan came over and gave me a hug. Tears started coming in and I was crying in his chest. Just everything setting in. One of my closest friends was dying. After awhile I looked out the window and it was snowing. It was snowing a lot to. Maybe if we were lucky we'd get a three day weekend.

I was holding Ethan's hand when the doctor came in. He had a disappointed look on his face.
"Cameron is in critical condition. By the time she was found it could be to late. She is in a comatose state. We don't know if she's gonna make it. But if she does, it would be a miracle." After those words Lisa fell into Sean's arms and she began to cry. Ethan hugged me tighter and Grayson ran out of the room.

After ten minutes or so everyone was wondering were Grayson ran off to.
"I'm gonna go find him." Ethan held my hand.
"Maybe I should incase something happens?"
"Yeah true. See you soon." He winked at me while getting up.

I checked almost everywhere Grayson would be. Outside, where they do surgeries, by the bathroom, the car, the food in the basement. Nowhere. I finally decided just to go to my favorite place in a hospital. The baby room. Where all of the newborn babies where. I walked towards the glass looking in. Then I looked over and saw Grayson in one of the chairs.
"Grayson. What are you doing over here?"
"Honestly? I have absolutely no clue. But I thought I'm gonna go the one place Cameron might not ever get to go. The delivery room with her own child.-" His eyes started watering up.
"-she won't get to graduate college. Fall in love for real. Get married. Have kids. Go to Paris. Travel the world. God just wanted her so bad. So "right now" I can't deal with the fact no one is even trying to find out who did it! This girl is dying because of whoever! And no one is putting that person to justice!" He started crying and I began to take him back where Ethan, Sean and Lisa where sitting.

Grayson sat down next to Ethan. Then my phone went off.
No school! Come over and build a snowman!
It was Brooklyn. I love her so much. I can't break news like this to her. I didn't reply. By the time I looked up the doctor was back. Along with Sean and Lisa.
"You kids can visit." He pointed at me Ethan and Grayson. I sat down letting them go see their sister alone.
"Aria your part of this family. Come on." Grayson turned around. I stood up following the doctor.

When we walked in Cameron looked gone. But something was in me telling me she could wake up. I was in tears and Ethan held me close. Then Grayson started speaking.
"Cameron, we all want you to come back to figure out who did this. We all miss you. If you were awake and heard me I'm sure you would say stop being such a little bitch. Or something like that. But we miss you. All of us miss you so much." I saw the tears in his eyes. I pulled away from Ethan.  Allowing Ethan to comfort Grayson.
"Hey Cameron, we all miss you so much. So please come back. please just stay. We all need you so so much. The first time We met at Ethan and Grayson's birthday party. I remember this because I knew how amazing you were. Taylor had just came in-" Taylor. "You told me she was crazy even when Grayson and Ethan were freshman." Ethan came and hugged me from the beginning.
"What we are all saying Cameron. Is we need you. So please come back" Ethan tightened around me.

As hours passed it was 12 by now. I wanted to go home but I wanted to stay. But I have to go home for a little bit.
"Hey Ethan I'm gonna head home for a little bit." Ethan's arm was around me, he had headphones on and was scrolling threw Instagram. He pulled out the earbud.
"What did you say?"
"I'm gonna head home for a little bit." He nodded his head and I stood up. Then I walked out to my car and called Brooklyn.
"Hey girly you never answered me!" I was pulling out of the hospital.
"Well, I'm at the hospital."
"Why what happened?"
"Cameron. She was shot."
"Oh my god! Is everything okay?"
"They don't think she's gonna make it."
"Okay are you heading home right now?" I finally headed toward the highway.
"Yeah for a little bit."
"Okay I'll be over in a little bit."
"Alright bye"

I walked in and my mom was on the couch watching tv.
"Hey! How is everything going?"
"Well they don't know if she's gonna make it."
"Ah I'm so sorry sweetheart!" She pulled me in a hug.
"Well I'm gonna go upstairs and take a nap I think" I stood up.
"Hey tomorrow you have a appointment with your therapist" she checked her phone.
"Okay" I walked away.
I walked in and cleaned up the mess from this morning. Then texted Ethan that I was home okay. Then texted Brooklyn I was home and she could come over when ever. When I finally laid down I automatically fell asleep.

Then I woke up at about 3. I heard people talking downstairs. Then got up and walked downstairs. I looked over and Brooklyn was talking to Jared and my mom.
"Hey sleepy head!" My mom smiled at me.
"Hey! Brooklyn I have to head to the hospital like asap." She smiled then stood up.
"It was nice talking to you guys!"

We got into the car and sat for a second.
"What are you waiting for?" Brooklyn looked at me.
"I have to stop somewhere before we go to the hospital"

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