Chapter 26

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My mom has decided I need to see a therapist. Let me reverse a little.

When I got home from school I noticed my mom was home. I got out of my car and grabbed my purse. Jared wasn't there so she must've wanted to talk to me. I already knew she did. So I gained up some courage and walked in.

"Hey sweetheart!" I smiled at her and sat down at the island.
"Hey mom!" She smiled back.
"So I think you uh should see a therapist?" I stopped in my tracks.
"Why?" I snapped back.
"Well, just you have nightmares a lot, and you've been through so much I think you should talk to someone!" I knew she meant best.
"You know what? That's fine! I will do that for you!" I smiled. I knew i was have to gonna try it. And if I didn't like it. Well I would still have to do it.

After that I went and my room and noticed a few texts from Ethan.
Ethan: Dinner Friday?
Ethan: call you after practice!
1 missed call

So I called him just like I had missed before.
"Hey!" He sounded tried
"Hey!" I answered louder to try and wake him up a little.
"So I was wondering if you wanted to have a date night at Olive Garden on Friday?" I smiled. I always knew it was gonna be a good weekend if Ethan wanted to go to Olive Garden.
"Yeah that sounds good!"
"Alright, I'll be over soon! So don't go to far!" Surprises from Ethan I fell in love with.
"Alright see you then!"

While I was waiting I finished up some homework I didn't have time to finish. Then designed some clothes. Danced around my room. Played on the computer. I don't think I have ever been so bored in my life. Eventually I heard I knock on the door and ran downstairs. There stood Jared. Greet. Then Ethan walked in just as I was closing the door.
"You toke forever!" I let Ethan in and we walked upstairs.
"I toke the usually time!" He started laughing.
"Well I was so bored. To the point where I had no clue what to do!" We laughed and sat down on my bed. Then Ethan kissed me.
"I can't remember the last time I kissed you" Ethan looked at me.
"I can't remember the last time we-" Ethan cut me off.
"You wanna?" We laughed. Ethan then was on top of me kissing me. Then we heard a knock on the door and we both hopped up.
"Come in!" My mom walked in looking at us. Very awkward.
"Me and Jared are gonna go out do you guys need anything?" I shook my head no. Then she left.

When we heard the door close Ethan started making out with me again.

After we were done I went to go get food from the kitchen. When I stood up I almost fell down. Of course Ethan caught me.
"Baby girl I didn't know I made you fall like that?"
" of course you do" I winked at him and he kissed the side of my head. I missed this. The hanging out and make out sessions. We never did any of that anymore. Just the way he did everything. Made me weak. When I saw him every time. I still got butterflies from the first party we ever went to together. It was everything about him that made me happy.

I grabbed the drink I wanted and sat on the counter while Ethan made food. He turned around with his shirt off. He kissed me, over and over again. Then he turned off the stove. The make out was still going. Then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and rushed to the bathroom. Then I realized I just started my period. Great. I wasn't used to it because of the pregnancy I got used to not having it. So it surprised me every month since then. Ethan walked as I was washing my hands.
"Good thing you started after" he hugged me from behind put his head on mine. We looked in the mirror and at that moment everything felt so perfect. When I looked in the mirror I had a gut feeling it would be like this for a long time. I smiled at the picture in the mirror. Ethan's arms around me, our messy hair, the shorts I was wearing and sweats Ethan was wearing. The smile on our faces that really counted. Ethan squeezed and turned me around facing him.
"Just when it was getting good!" I smiled and he laughed.
"Maybe next week beautiful!" He winked then kissed me on the head.
"Maybe?" Ethan let go and walked towards the kitchen as I followed.
"Yes maybe!" He smiled at me.
"I was hoping a for sure, a yes, a hell yeah!" He looked at me again then came over and kissed me on the head.
"Anything for you baby girl."

When Ethan left I begged him to stay.
"Ethan do you have to go?" I held his arm and he dragged me with him towards the door.
"Yes! I'm gonna get in trouble!" He grabbed the door. I then grabbed onto his leg like a little kid. He lifted his leg up and wiggled me around.
"Aria! I had to go!" Ethan laughed and I stood up hugging him. I hoped on his back on his way back to the car. When I hoped back down he kissed me. One of the passionate, sweet, everything in him kisses.
"Bye!" He got into his car and pulled away.

I walked in as Jared was leaving.
"Bye Jared!"
"Bye Aria!" He wasn't that bad but there was no way I was gonna get used to it. I walked into my bedroom and looked at my bed frame making sure everything was okay. It was. Thank god. What would I even tell my parents?
"Hey mom can you buy me a new bed frame? I was having sex with Ethan and it broke!" You can't say that! So I was glad I wouldn't ever have to have this conversation with my parents!

I finally laid down and checked through all my social medias. I was growing a little bit more and more each day. I never understood why people found my life interesting but they did. I couldn't be more happier with my life. I finally fell asleep.

At 3am I got a phone call that could change Ethan's life.

Authors Note: hey guys! It's been awhile! My birthday was yesterday so I wanted to make sure I posted sometime this week! But what do you guys think is going to happen to Ethan?

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