Chapter 37

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Today was the day that determined most of my future. I was debating between which colleges to go to forever. But today was the day i decided what i was gonna do. That was the deal my dad made with me about not going to Florida for the whole summer.

After i was done getting ready Ethan came over and we were in my living room. I had my laptop out and we were face timing my dad.
"So Northwestern has a great Pre Med program." Ethan held my hand a little bit.
"So then you could become a doctor" my dad stated.
"But that's all the way in Chicago." Ethan held my hand.
"I wouldn't mind going there with you but that is far from like everyone" Ethan squeezed my hand.
"Very true your already far enough" My dad laughed a little.
"New York. NYU" I stated.
"Sweetheart." My dad stated.
"This is my dream please please. I promise I wont disappoint you. Ill even apply to both colleges daddy please"
"You didn't need that much convincing" Then we all started laughing.
"Alright New York it is" Me and Ethan Started to laugh. Then I heard my dads phone ring.
"Alright sweetheart this is work. I love you!"
"I love you too daddy!" Then the FaceTime ended.
"We did it!" I went into Ethan's arms. As our plan worked to keep me close to Ethan.
"You know. I don't like when you call other people daddy baby girl" we laughed. Then I got a new idea.
"What if we go to New York sometime in the summer? You want to?" I looked at him with puppy dog eyes to make sure i could seal the deal
"Yeah that sounds fun" he smiled and kissed me on the forehead. Then I heard the door open. I sat up looking to see who it was. I thought it was Brooklyn maybe coming in. Cause she does that every once in awhile.

But it was my mom. And "Jared"

"Hey Aria, hey Ethan" my mom put your bags down.
"Hey Aria, Ethan." Jared nodded. I'm pretty sure he doesn't like Ethan. Probably because of Valentine's Day.
"So we have the best news ever!" My mom hugged me. Then Jared but his arm around her.
"Okay? What is it!" I smiled not thinking much. Ethan grabbed my hand.
"Well-" Jared started talking.
"We are getting married!" I was in totally shock and had no clue exactly what to do. I just ran upstairs to my room.

Ethan's pos.
I looked over and saw a ring on Arias moms finger. On her ring finger that I had never seen. I grabbed Arias hand to warn and comfort her.
"Well-" Jared smiled at Aria.
"We are getting married!" Arias mom was excited. Then I felt her hand let go and looked back at them.
"What's with her?" Jared was all confused.
"Well she just decided to go to New York for college and start college with design. Oh and her mother is getting married! how great?" I ran upstairs to follow her and her door was close.
"Aria? Please open the door. It's me Ethan." I felt the door open under my arm. When she opened it I saw her red eyes and pulled her into a hug.
"Ethan I don't want them to get married!" I rubbed her back.
"I know its gonna be okay." I rubbed her back to comfort. I held her close to know she's okay.
"Thank you Ethan" I heard her mumble.
"For what" I responded.
"Everything, in this past year you have always been there no matter what. No matter how much my heart hurts and how much pain I'm in your there and here for me. You don't break my heart." I squeezed her a little and let go.

Arias Pos.
I woke up and Ethan was laying right next to me. That was the best feeling in the world.
"Ethan?" He smiled at me.
"I- how long have I been asleep?" I smiled at him.
"30 minutes. Your mom cam-" I cut him off.
"Okay i don't want to talk to her or about her." He smiled and pulled me closer on his chest.
"I could stay here forever" Ethan set his head on top of mine.
"Me too Ethan Grant. Me too"

3 days later...
My mother has completely ruined my whole day. She liked to drop a we may move with "Jared" to Tennessee. Why would I move to Tennessee with him? You know how much that ruins my life? But I have to tell Ethan.

We sat in my car, it was a rainy type of day. But I had to tell him.
"Ethan, I-" i grabbed his hand.
"Yeah?" He squeezed my hand a little.
"Well my mom wants to move with Jared to Tennessee" I looked over at him.
"That means- you would be leaving New Jersey" he toke a deep breathe.
"What does the mean for us?" Ethan looked back at me.
"Well that means you would be leaving and I would be staying."
"Really Ethan!"
"Well its the truth isn't it?" I scoffed at him and drove home.

"I can't believe you would say something like that Ethan! Do you want me to move?" I started walking up the stairs.
"No of course I don't want you to leave!" Ethan followed behind me.
"Well then maybe I should"

A/N: oh snap.

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