Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning and checked threw my phone. On Instagram a picture of me and Brooklyn had over 500 likes. Twitter over a thousand followers and snapchat 300 views. I only get this because of living in jersey and Florida. I knew a lot of people. Ethan knew a lot more.

Ethan walked in running a towel threw his hair. Shirtless and sweatpants on. "I have to get some clothes for school." Getting up out of bed.
"Yeah I'll take you to your house. But I'm gonna go in with you" grabbing a shirt out of his drawer and looking back at me.
"You don't have to do that." Putting my shoes on.
Grabbing a shirt and putting it on "I'm gonna if
you like it or not" fixing his shirt and looking back at me.
"Whatever be prepared to get yelled at" I rolled my eyes and put my jacket back on. Ethan walked over to me putting his hands around my waist and pulling me in close. I wrapped my hands around his neck. He looked at me and kissed me. "Thank you" I whispered. I felt his arms wrap around me tighter.

Grayson decided to come in case we needed back up. We were sitting in the car Ethan driving,me in the passenger, and Grayson behind me in the back seat. I didn't want to go home or talk to anyone really. Ethan then pointed out, "I asked my parents if you could stay, they said yes. For the weekend so you need more clothes, make sure you get whatever you need" I looked at my right hand with a ring my father had given me. Ethan's hand on my thigh. Then mouthing "okay?" I just shook my head yes. Even though I wasn't.

I walked in to my mother on the ground. Awake and just lying their. Ethan just looked at her and I guided him to my room to pick up some clothes. While grabbing my hair stuff.
My door whipped open.
"Leaving" I packed up my makeup.
"NO YOUR NOT" Ethan walked over to me.
"Yes I am. I have school then I won't be home."
Ethan helped me pack up some clothes in one of my book bags.
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!" Screaming at Ethan.
"I'm Ethan mam" Ethan and me started walking out the door I just heard muffles of my mother screaming. Ethan had his hand on my lower back pushing me, making me walk faster.  I walked out the door, Grayson grabbed my bag
Throwing it in the trunk. Me running to the car and Ethan slamming my door shut and speeding away.

I want to call my dad but i shouldn't. Of course Ethan beats me to the question. "What about your dad?" I didn't want to tell him that my dad has no clue what's going on. "My dad doesn't know" I looked down at my fingers

Grayson then added " Aria! You have to tell him! I know you don't want to risk moving away but you have to tell him"

"I can't"

"Why not?" Ethan was quick to ask

"I don't want to bother his own life"

"Your not bothering him, if it involves your
Life" Grayson and Ethan both added.

"I'll call him after school by myself" I cross my arms

"No you won't call him by yourself because you won't call him. So I will sit in the same room"
Ethan was so nice and helpful.


At school I walked in I saw Brooklyn with Cameron laughing and enjoying her time with him. I'm so happy for her. Her eyes looked away and saw me then waved for me to come over. I had to anyways my locker is right their.

I opened my locker grabbed my math and science stuff. I realized I had a couple of minutes to talk because my math class was 2 seconds away from my locker.

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