Chapter 36

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As I talked to my best friend I learned so many new things about her in these past few moments. I felt horrible about not knowing these new things about my best friend. I guess life was getting in the way. But I need to stay close to her because at this moment she needs me. Out of all the times she has been there for me I need her the most.

We were sitting on the couch in her room and she was crying and laying on my lap. I was just running my hand threw her hair. Brooklyn used to do this for me when my parents used to argue when we were little kids. I've been so caught up with Ethan I forgot about my best friend.

3 days later...

I've spent every last minute with Brooklyn since the moment she told me. But today was the biggest day she would most likely ever need me. Abby's funeral. This was the day she needed me most. I was determined to be there for her every step of the way.

When we pulled up we saw the obvious cars Ethan's, Grayson's, Cameron's, really anyone else we knew. When we walked into the area they were burying Abby there was a small casket and chairs around it. I looked over and saw Ethan, Grayson, Cameron, and Abby's adoptive parents. We sat down as the service began.

During it i was sitting next to Ethan and Brooklyn was on the other side of me with Cameron. I kept thinking how horrible it was to never tell Ethan. Maybe I regret everything in these past few months.

When the service was over and everyone left Me and Brooklyn stayed behind. It broke my heart to see the way she was so unhappy. Then she started talking to her baby.
"Hey there little one. In these past few weeks everything feels so weird. Knowing that in reality your not really mine. I'm sad that I didn't keep you. I guess I should've listened to Cameron. Your dad. What's not fair to me truly is my best friend here the Aria Woods was also pregnant around the same time as me and her baby passed. You guys were supposed to be best friends. Maybe god decided me and Aria here weren't ready you raise your crazy asses ourselves. I really hope that you know I love you so much baby Dallas and I really hope your up there playing with baby Dolan." She was pretty much sobbing threw the whole speech. And i loved her for that.

After we drove to her house were my car was sitting there and i wanted to head home for a little bit.
"Hey Brooke Davis you gonna be okay?" I hadn't called her that since middle school because she reminded me of someone so so strong. She had the biggest smile on her face.
"Yeah I think ill be just fine Haley James Scott" I smiled at her. As that was a name I hadn't heard in forever.

When I got home I was startled because the door was unlocked. I looked around and I was spooked. I got this cold chill up my spine.
"Mom?" I yelled out. Nothing. I went up stairs and sat on the couch in my bedroom I heard nothing. Then my door moved.
"Hey you wan-"
"AHH!" I throw a pillow at whoever it was.
"AH!" It was a guy voice and then I looked and it was Ethan.
"What was that for?" Ethan yelled.
"What was that for?" I yelled back at him.
"You gave me a heart attack!" We laughed and he hugged me.
"I'm sorry I've been kinda out of it" I felt him squeeze and let go.
"You okay?" He sat on the couch and I sat on his lap.
"Yeah it's just all the pain Brooklyn has been going threw. I couldn't imagine that pain."
"Hey Aria I've been thinking" I turned and smiled at him.
"Yeah?" He kissed me on the cheek.
"If you ever stop loving me. Like Brooklyn and Cameron. Please tell me. Don't cheat on me. Especially with my twin brother." I kissed him on the lips.
"I promise" I hugged him and then my phone rang.
"Hey mom" I sat up.
"Hey sweetheart I know your gonna kill me but" I cut her off.
"Your going on another trip whatever see you next week?" My feelings were kinda hurt and I could tell hers were too.
"Yeah I'll see you Thursday" then I hung up.
"House all to myself" I plopped down on the couch.
"Isn't that a good thing?" Ethan grabbed my hand.
"Not when she's gone all the time" I lie my head on his lap. He ran his finger threw my hair.
"I really love you you know that?"
"I love you too Ethan"

A/N: she should've replayed with  I love myself too Ethan

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