Chapter 38

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The days have been awkward. I see Ethan around but not much talk. But I'm not gonna live in silence.

It was lunch and I was talking to Brooklyn and she was complaining about something Grayson had down.
"He didn't even care that... Hello!" I snapped out. Then she looked up towards Ethan who was about sit down.
"Hey" I smiled at him. Then nodded and got something to drink.
"He's still mad at you?" I nodded a yes and she made a disapproving look.
"Listen you two don't fight so make up with him. Remember you are in love with this boy." I smiled at her and she smiled back and Ethan sat down. There was a awkward moment of silence. Then Brooklyn nodded and we turned to each other.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said what i said a few days ago." Me and Ethan said at the same time. And we all started laughing.

The school day ended and I was leaned up against me car and Ethan was hovering over me and looking into my eyes. I looking back into his. The moment of him not being upset was the best.
"I love you so much" I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"I love you too" he kissed me then pulled me into a hug.
"Hey is Jared gonna be at your house?" His chin was resting on my head.
"Yeah and if i don't get home soon i will be in big huge trouble. But I'll be over your house. Is that okay?"
"Alright ill see you soon." He hugged me tighter and in the crack of his arm I saw my best friend with Grayson far away and she winked at me. I smiled and kissed Ethan bye then headed home.

I pulled into my driveway and saw my dads Porsche. I was super confused he didn't even say he was gonna be in Jersey. I walked into the house and looked in the kitchen to see My mom, Dad, Jared, and Maria.
"Hey sweetheart! Early birthday surprise!" My dad tried to cover up.
"What is this about?" I stated to all of them.
"I'm here to make a statement that my daughter isn't moving anywhere." I was so confused how he knew.
"How did you know" I asked him.
"The FaceTime call was never really over." All i could think of the conversation between me and Ethan were he said "I dont like you calling anybody besides me daddy" i guess my face showed it.
"And yes i heard your conversation with Ethan" My dad turned to me. Oh god.
"Wait what conversation?" My mom was confused.
"Point is. If you move away I will move back here because she's not going anywhere." My dad turned at them.
"Hey this is adult convo. Can I go to Ethan's?" I interrupted.
"No" Jared so rudely added.
"Yes you can sweetheart!" My dad looked at Jared.

"Hey Ethan guess what! I get to come over!" I talked to him threw the car.
"Good. I was getting bored without you. Hurry up" I started to laugh.
"Okay I have some news you'll want to hear when I get there'
"Alright i love you Aria Gabrielle Woods/Dolan" I smiled at the thought.
"I love you too Ethan Grant Dolan"

When I got to Ethan's house I told him about the conversation with my dad. He was pretty scared at the thought of my dad knowing I call him daddy. Like no.

We hung out and i talked with his family and we talked about my birthday plans and what I'm doing for my birthday. Not much but a family.

Aria//Then I thought about Ethan. How much he's done for me. How in love i am. I never thought after middle school he would be the person i fell in love with. The person i want to spend my life with. Get married. Have kids. Grow old together. Die together. This boy had my heart. I'm so in love my stomach still twist and i get butterflies. When I look at his eyes I get lost in them. When he hugs me i feel so safe. When he kisses me i still feel fireworks like the first time. When he holds my hand i feel them tighten like he's never gonna let go. I'm so in love.

Ethan//I would do everything in this world for Aria. When I look at her she reminds me of how in love i am. After that night at the party i never thought she would Be the person i fell in love with. The person i want to spend my life with. Dream jobs together. Get married. Raise kids. Spend the rest of our life's with each other. Die together. This girl had my heart. I'm so in love she still gives me butterflies. When i look at her eyes i fall in love all over again. When she hugs me how much she warms me. When I kiss her i get a knot in me just like the first time. When she holds my hand i tighten just so i know she doesn't wanna let go. I'm so in love.

A/N: i cried when i wrote that

Thank you for 100 reads on the first chapter!! Holy crap thank you so so much!

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