Chapter 15

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Finally the day of break. One more day. I heard my alarm go off.
"Gre-" my voice went out. Great. I lost my voice now.
I sat up and felt like straight crap. I got myself ready. Surprisingly.

"Hey sweetheart!" My mom handed me lunch like I was 5.
"He-" I forgot.
"Did you lose your voice?" I nodded.
"Well try to talk. Then once you get the hang of it you will just sound like a old man" she smiled at me.
"Hey." I sounded so old and gross. We laughed. Or I tried my best to laugh.
"I know you will sound kinda bad." She handed me a halls and some medicine for the flu.
"So have you told Ethan?" I rolled my eyes.
"I'm gonna assume not." I nodded then toke the medicine. Then grabbed the halls.

I pulled up to school and Ethan wasn't their so I sat their and waited for him. When he got out of the car. He smiled at me automatically. Then I felt myself just warm up and get butterflies. I never got butterflies with him. That smile everything about it. Then the door opened. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the car.
"What's thi-" he mad a funny face at me.
"Did you lose your voice?" He let go and grabbed my purse and handed it to me. I nodded at him.
" you sound like my grandpa!" We started laughing.

Of course we walked in the school and saw Cameron and Brooklyn fighting. This time Cameron looked upset. So did Brooklyn. More upset the usual. Me and Ethan walked over.
"You kidding me? You really just said that?" Brooklyn closed her locker.
"Yeah I did Brooklyn!" Cameron punched the locker.
"Dude Cameron calm down! What's going on?" Ethan interrupted.
"She's texting some guy!"
"No it's my cousin!"
"No, that's a cover up!"
"Brooklyn you literally won't let me she the text!"
"Because it's my cousin!"
"Hold up let me see the phone!" I interrupted. They looked at me. Brooklyn handed the phone to me.
"Dude you sound like an old creepy grandpa!" Brooklyn and everyone laughed including me.
"Tyler? Holdback? Yeah that's her cousin. I've met him" I've met him a few times actually. Nice guy but that is her cousin.
"See Cameron!"
"Brooklyn I'm so sor-"
"No Cameron! I really don't want to talk to you right now" she walked away. Cameron sighed and walked towards her.
"Their not doing to good!" Ethan looked at me.
"Not at all."

After school Ethan had basketball but Grayson said he wanted to talk to me. So I thought just to wait for Ethan to get out of practice. And talk to Grayson.

I sat in my car for a second on my phone. Then I heard a knock on the window. I unlocked the door and Grayson got in.
"Hey" I turned my phone down and turned towards him.
"Hey! So the baby?"
"Is this what you wanted to talk about?"
"Yes! Because you haven't told my brother!"
"I haven't had the heart to Grayson. I would be ruining his life!"
"Aria! You can't just never tell him! Have you at least had a check up?"
"It's a girl."
"Oh my god! You haven't even told him!"
"Grayson this is not your problem nor your choice!"
"Aria! You can't do this Ethan it's not fair to him!"
"Grayson you are one of my closest friends. But this I can't let you decide." He rolled his eyes.
"Whatever. But you have to remember Ethan is the dad. Wether you want to keep it or not. Ethan is the dad."
"Grayson I know that!" I started the car because it was getting cold.
"Grayson. Whatever I do. Whatever I try never works." I felt tears coming out of my eyes. Then I felt Grayson's hand rub my arm.
"Whatever you do. I'm here for you no matter what." We hugged each other.
"Hey I'm gonna take the car home. So can you drive Ethan home?"
"Yeah!" I cleaned up my tears.
"Alright bye!"
"Bye!" Then The car pulled away.

I saw Ethan walk out of the school and he threw his hands up and walked towards my car. When he got in the car he hugged me. He smelt good so he had already toke a shower.
"So Grayson wanted to home really bad so I told him I'd drive you home." I smiled at him.
"Okay. I already showered so you wanna go get some dinner?" I nodded at him.
"Where do you want to eat?" I smiled at him.
"Yeah!" I started the car and we left the school. Finally.

"Hey? Is everything okay?" Ethan sat on the couch. No I'm pregnant
"Yeah! Why do you ask?"
"You've seemed really out of it lately. And yesterday you were super upset whenever I had to go to basketball." Ethan put his arm around me.
"I've just missed you." I set my head on his shoulder.
"I've missed you so much more." Ethan began to cuddle me on the couch.

"Oh I forgot to show you these!" I grabbed designs from a folder I had.
"You give me your honest opinion!" I handed him the wedding dress designs. Strapless. Then lace at the top. At the bottom very poofy. All white.
"This is gorgeous! Although you can't where all white."
"Shut up!" I sat on his lap.
"You like it?"
"I love it!" He kissed me on the check and I put that away.

We were watching a movie and as I was cuddled with Ethan I couldn't help but to stare at him. When he smiled. When he made a straight face. Then I thought about everything he was done for me and I couldn't be more thankful. For this wonderful human being.

He means everything to me.

"Hey Ethan do you wanna go to Kroger with us? I have to get some more snacks. Because Aria eats snacks the whole time she's home." My mom walked in.
"Yeah! I would love to!" Ethan smiled at her.
"And If you wanna stay over?"
"Oh I don't wanna bother you guys!"
"No, no! I actually need you guys to help me with the Christmas decorations!" My mom closed the door.
"Okay!" Ethan sat up. Pretty much throwing me off. Not in a abusive way just messing around.
"Jerk!" I punched him on the shoulder.
"Ouch! You punch like a man!" He rubbed the spot and we all started laughing.
"Well you crazy kids get ready and we will head out!"

"So what snacks do you want?" My mom grabbed some Oreos.
"Healthy and fating!" I smiled at her. Ethan's phone rang.
"Okay gray I'll be home in a few!"
"Something's wrong. My sister collapsed." Ethan looked down.
"I'll drive home and mom you can shop! I'll be back to get you. Take your time too." My mom handed me the keys and I drove Ethan home.

I pulled up and automatically looked at him.
"It will be okay." I smiled and he got out of the car. I drove and picked up my mom.

"So this box! Is the newest Christmas decor!" My mom smiled at me. We put up a few extra things. But I knew I wanted to finish a few things on the tree with her. Then my phone rang great. It was Ethan.
"It was a scare. She was dehydrated! I'll be over in a few" that's what the text said. I smiled at my mom.
"She's okay." My mom hugged me and smiled.
"See everything is going to he just fine"

"I can't reach it!" I looked at my mom as I tried to put the star at the top of the tree.
"Here get on my shoulders!" Ethan grabbed me and pulled me in.
"Are you sure? I don't want to be to heavy?"
"I hold Grayson on the daily im good!" I sat on his shoulders and I finally reached the top and put on the star on. Of course had to take a insta picture. I'm just that basic honestly.

"Ethan do you think everything will really be ok?" I was laying next to him and his arms were wrapped around me.
"Of course! Why not?" I'm pregnant.
"I don't know!" I turned to him and kissed him. He kissed me back. But the same way he kissed me last night. The best kiss in the world. After I fell asleep and slept as an angel. To wake up to Christmas Eve.

Authors note: hey guys how are you? Just wanted to check up on you guys!

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