Chapter 16

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Christmas morning
I woke up like a little kid. 7:00am. But to throwing up. It was bad. But then woke my mom up.
"Mom! Mom! Mom! It's Christmas!" She woke up and smiled at me. Then we went downstairs.
"I'm just gonna have some coffee ! Then we will open presents." I smiled at her. She was half asleep and it was fine with me. Then of course put on Christmas music.

"Alright you go first" I handed them to first.
"Alright" she opened the box to a new coach purse in tan leather. She held it close to her and smiled,
"Thank you sweetheart this is so nice!" She kissed me on the forehead.
"This ones from dad!" I knew what it was. A IMac because she didn't have a computer and I knew my mom would want to FaceTime me and stuff when I was in Florida for the summer.
"OH MY GODNESS" my mom gave me a huge smile.
"Well thank dad it was his idea!" She smiled.
"Your turn!" She handed me a box. Of course wrapped cause that's the best part of it. A new parked tone gold watch from Michael kors. Absolutely beautiful.
"I knew you needed a new one!" She smiled at me. See I was the baby and the only so I pretty much got everything during Christmas. I got clothes from like everywhere. Hollister, PINK, forever 21, adidas, makeup from everywhere. The big things were yeezys (new ones) shiny heels, and the watch. But the biggest gift was having my mom with me. She didn't know but I did. In these past few months so much has changed. I couldn't be happier.

"Hey baby girl! How's your Christmas?"
"Wonderful! Yours?"
"Amazing, although it would be better if I could see you" I bit my lip at the thought of that.
"Oh really?"
"Of course!"
"Well how about later?"
"Alright I'll see you later. Bye"
"Bye" as the conversation ended and I said bye. I smiled at the phone. Then I heard a knock on the door. My mom.
"Hey sweetheart? Who's the person your smiling at?"
"Who do you think?" We laughed. Times like these are the ones I'll remember. How much I'll love my mom. Even through the bad she was still their for me.

"Is that Ethan grant Dolan I see?" I opened the door and it was Ethan's new Range Rover.
"In his brand new Range Rover?" He smiled while walking up to the house. With a box in his hand. Then I felt my breakfast come up. Again. I threw up and Ethan held my hair back.
"Haha your fine!" I felt a chill threw my spine and I looked to see if Ethan was touching me but he wasn't. I was just very cold. When me and Ethan sat on the couch my mom sat with us.
"So I thought you would like this. Like a lot." He smiled at me. Then placed the box to his side.
"But first. Kiss me" I kissed him. Then reached over and of course he moved it. Then I sat back up and he moved it towards me. When I opened it a beautiful diamond necklace. I kissed him and gave him hug.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you" then squeezed him tight. I handed him a box. Of course earnings. He's been asking for them forever.
"Thank you babygirl." He kissed me and gave me a hug." My mom at this point left. I straddle above him and kissed him for the beautiful gift he got me. Then of course my mom walked over again.
"I just gonna go back in-"
"No it's fine!" I laughed and got off of Ethan's lap. My mom handed me and Ethan blanket and played my favorite Christmas movie 'Rudolph the red nose reindeer' I snuggled up to Ethan and his arm over my shoulder. Then kissed my forehead. My mom was sitting in the reclining chair with a blanket and drank her hot chocolate. Everything at this moment felt perfect.

After the movie was over me and Ethan went upstairs. We were playing around. Enjoying life. Then there was a knock on my door. We stopped in our tracks. We were laying down on the couch and I was facing Ethan and Ethan messing around and slowly pushing me off of the couch. "Come in" I saw a mans hand. Not my mothers olive hands. Then my dad.

I couldn't believe my eyes

"Dad!" I ran up into his arms and wrapped my legs around him. Then Ethan sat up and shook hands with my dad.
"Ethan! Glad to see you!"
"You too sir!"
"Oh don't call me that!" We all laughed. I was so happy.
"I have one more surprise!" Maria! I automatically hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey sweetheart!" Ethan was just standing their.
"This must be your handsome boyfriend?" She smiled and Ethan looked a little nervous. I was nervous to when I felt my cookies come back up. Ethan held my hair once again.

After Ethan left my dad and I were sitting at the island and he didn't look to happy.
"Sweetheart? Have you token a test recently." I fell to automatic tears. My dad held me close then pulled away.
"Che diavolo stavi pensando!" *what the heck where you thinking?" He screamed at me. I hadn't ever heard my dad yell at me like this.
"Mi dispiace!" *im sorry!" I cried and just went to my room. I thought about what I had done but I couldn't help it. I just sat in my bed and cried. Eventually I fell asleep.

I woke up to a knock on my door.
"Leave me alone!" I yelled at whoever it was. Then my mom walked and gave me a hug.
"I'm sorry sweetheart" I sniffed a little and gave her a smile.
"It's my fault. I shouldn't have done what I did." I cried on my moms shoulder.
"What did I do mom?" I cried in my moms shoulder. I felt her just hug me. Gosh I love my mom. She is absolutely one person I'm so thankful for.

"I love you mom"

Authors note: hey guys! Some Italian in here? Oh yes! We gotta add it in their! So arias dad knows before Ethan?

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