Chapter 22

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As the weeks past my mom was gone more. As Valentine's Day was approaching Ethan kept asking me what I wanted to do. Which was just eat at Olive Garden. That's all I wanted was to go out to Olive Garden with Ethan. Ethan insisted on more but that's all I wanted. Was Ethan to Myslef for the night. Not in a dirty type of way. I just wanted him.

As the school day ended my mom kept insisting I come home right after school. As much as I just wanted go to Ethan's; he had basketball practice anyways.

I closed my locker grabbing my purse of course Ethan right behind the locker.
"Gosh! Can you stop doing that!" We laughed and I started walking towards the door.
"We are still hanging out tonight right?" Ethan asked.
"Yeah, my mom wants me to come home though then do you want me to go to your house or?"
"No, I'll come pick you up" Ethan opened the door for me.
"Alright I'll see you at 7?" Ethan shook his head and smiled.
"Bye!" He kissed me on the forehead and went back inside.

I opened the door to my car and set down my purse. Then I sat down. I had to check my phone before I drove home because that is unsafe to check your phone and drive. I heard a knock on the door and it was Grayson. I unlocked the doors.
"Yes?" We laughed and he got in.
"So since you lost the ba-"
"Grayson! I don't wanna talk about it. I'll tell Ethan some day but that someday is not today!"
"Okay. Well other then that. How are you?"
"Good! You have plans with one of your girlfriends?"
"Girlfriend. And yes I'm gonna cook her food" I stopped and looked at him.
"You do know you can't cook right?" We started laughing.
"I can cook!"
"Grayson! Your pancakes taste horrible!"
"That is your opinion." We started laughing again.
"Okay I gotta go! I'll see you later!" He got out and left. Grayson has had new girlfriend every other week for the past month. So I like to joke with him.

When I walked in my mom automatically got up and hugged me. I have no clue why I had just saw her this morning.
"So why did I have to come home right away?"
"Well I wanted you to meet my new boyfriend!" I saw a tall brown haired guy with brown eyes and he was wearing a suit.
"Hi I'm Jared! Nice to meet you" he shook my hand.
"Aria." He wasn't on drugs or drunk. He was clean and looked like he had money.
"He is the pilot for the plane I-"
"Yeah I get it! But I have to get ready!" My mom had a confused face.
"I'm going out with Ethan tonight. Ya know? Valentine's Day?" My mom smiled and I went upstairs.

I came downstairs and Ethan was waiting for me.
"Hey beautiful!" When I was at the end of the stairs Ethan gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek.
After that I heard footsteps it was my mom and "Jared"
"Hey Ethan! This is my boyfriend Jared!" Ethan was surprised. I don't blame him.
"Hi I'm Ethan. Arias boyfriend!" Ethan shook his hand and Ethan still had his arm around me.
"Yeah I could kinda tell" they laughed.
"Okay well I'll be back later!" Me and Ethan left.

"Yeah!" Was the first words we spoke when we got into the car.
"I know I should be happy, but I still think my own parents should be together." I looked out the window. Ethan grabbed my hand.
"I would be upset to!" I smiled at him.
"It toke me forever to get used to my dads girlfriend!"
"Yeah! So don't feel bad!" Ethan smiled then turned on the radio. Then something just stroke me.
"Ethan. I know this is random, but how many kids do you want?" I looked down. Expecting him to not pay to much attention.
"2 or 3!" I smiled at him.
"What about their names" I tightened on his hand.
"Gabriella because that's your middle name, gray because of Grayson!" I smiled even bigger.
"So I'm gonna have your kids?" I felt a lot of regret in me. Everything in me was making me more upset.
"Yes, I would love that if you had my kids. Like the happiest guy ever!" He smiled.
"I would love that too" I smiled at him.

We were sitting in dinner and my mind kept wondering off to the conversation in the car.
"You okay?" Ethan held my hand.
"Yeah!" I snapped back in focus.
"After this I'm gonna take you somewhere." Ethan began to eat again.

We pulled up to this beautiful place by the beach. There was a blanket and roses on it. Ethan held my hand and toke me to the blanket.
"Ethan... you didn't have to do all this."
"Yes I did! After all we have been through I think we should!"

When I thought about it we have been through so much in the first 5 months. A abusive mom, a crazy ex, a suicide. But yet so many good memories.

I kissed him and he layed back onto the blanket.
"Your all I ever need Ethan Grant Dolan"
"Your the only thing I need Aria Gabriella Woods" he kissed me again.
"Together?" I asked him
"Forever" he kissed me again.

When we left the beach it was already night. Ethan was walking ahead and he turned and looked at me. Ethan had his shirt off and yet I fell in love with him all over again. I ran and jumped into his arms and kissed him.
"You all mine tonight baby girl." He whispered in my ear. Then we headed towards the backseat.

I got home at about 1am. Jared was awake and I just planned to sneak Ethan to my room to spend the night. I walked in and Ethan walked behind me.
"In a little late aren't you?" He stood up and walked over towards me and Ethan.
"Well I said I had plans" I fixed my hair.
"Apparently!" He acted like he was my dad.
"Your not my dad so can you leave me alone" he stood right in my way.
"Please? I just wanna go to bed" he still stood there.
"Look can you move I'm trying to go to sleep it's been a long night" Ethan cut in. I didn't blame him either. I grabbed Ethan's hand and walked around him.

"What a dushbag!" I closed my door and took off my shoes.
"I'm still yours! If you want" I stood in front of Ethan. He smiled.
"Woah twice? In one night? Your full of surprises" he pulled me on the bed and kissed me.
"Your funny if you think I can take you twice in one night!" I smiled and sat up.

By the time we layed down it was already 2:30 and we just talked.
"So a big house?" I smiled at him.
"Yeah! Your gonna be a big time fashion designer and me a NBA star! and our kids will get whatever they want." Ethan was talking about the future together.
"I'll get everything I've ever wanted Ethan. As long as I'm with you!" I smiled and he pulled me close.
"I'd love that!"
"Me too Aria Gabriella" Ethan pulled me close and all I could think was...

I love you...

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