Chapter 10

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I woke up to my parents screaming at each other And Ethan was gone. I don't know why Ethan was gone. He was right their when I feel asleep I walked downstairs and my mom had a gun pointing down to her chest. I can't have this. After she worked so hard. I love her so much I can't have this happen. Please don't let this happen. "Mom please don't do this!" I saw tears in her eyes. "I have to!" A gunshot. Then I woke up.

I had that miserable bad dream and flinched when I woke up. I looked at the clock 3:24am. Ethan flinched too and woke up.
"You ok?" He moved his head to look at me.
"Yeah, I had a bad dream" that was so scary.
"I can tell. Your crying!" I felt something wet coming down from my eyes. I didn't even notice.  I just looked at him and we both laughed. After I just fell back asleep.

When I woke up again Ethan was gone. Then I heard my bathroom door open. Ethan was holding a purple sweater. It obviously wasn't his. He looked up at me and smiled.
"I forgot to give this to you a couple weeks ago." It was a PINK sweater. The one I had bought with Brooklyn when we went shopping. I love that sweater.
"Thanks" I grabbed the sweater and hung it up in my closet. He looked at me weird.
"What?" I smiled.
"You look really good in those shorts" Ethan grabbed my hand and pulled me in close.
"Stop" I laughed and set my head on his chest.
"So what are we doing today?" I lifted my head and looked at him.
"You; Are gonna hang out with your mom! I'm;  gonna go home and play some basketball with Grayson. And most likely beat him." I smiled at him.
"Now go get dressed! You can't run out of the house looking like that!" Ethan yelled at me and we laughed. I enjoy this a lot. Everything about it. Everything about him.

After I got dressed i walked Ethan out.
"Bye, Ethan it was nice meeting you!" My mom yelled out. We looked at each other and laughed. Ethan gave me a hug and kissed me bye. He turned around and left. When I closed the door I turned around and laid my back against the door. And just smiled. I saw my mom walk out of the kitchen.
"You like him a lot don't you?" I nodded yes. Of course. He's so amazing.
"He everything. He's been there for me. For everything in these past few months. And if it wasn't him then it was Brooklyn." I told my mom to let her know I wasn't alone.
"I'm sorry I wasn't their for you. I feel like you barely know you and you barely know me" she has tears in her eyes.
"Mom when you cheated on dad were you drinking?" She nodded yes.
"Mom I haven't known who you are for a long time. I thought today we could hangout together? And get to know each other! Again!" I just looked down.
"I would love that! What do you want to do?" I just smiled at her.
"Lets go to the mall and get you some new clothes!" Last time I remembered my mom enjoyed shopping.  And I don't blame her.

"Hey dad! I'm gonna take mom shopping!" I wish I had these conversations more often.
"That's fine! How much money do you have left since the summer?" I forgot he gave me about 5,000 at the end of the summer.
"1,000" I smiled. I know I know who spends 4,000 dollars in 3 months. I had to buy a new computer!
"You expensive" my dad handed me another 5,000 and I toke it.
"And your rich!" I gave him a kiss on the cheek and head to my car. But my mom was in hers a Mercedes Benz 4 door. So I just got in that car. It's been forever since I've been in this car. I loved this car so much. It's the car my dad bought my mom for their 15th anniversary a few years ago. That's why I loved it so much.

"So you and Ethan?" I looked up from my phone from the lack of conversation.
"Yeah? What about him?" I smiled.
"Nothing. He's just a super nice kid. Very respectful!" She toke a drink of the water she'd brought along.
"Yeah I like him a lot" this is so awkward for me.
"So, I feel horrible for acting like this. But what do you want to do when you get out of high school?"
"Fashion." It always has been.

The day was short but meant a lot. I got to meet the person I've been waiting to know for awhile. I'm so thankful for that. I helped her dress cute and she was so beautiful. All I could think was wow that my mom.

Authors note: sorry this is so short super tired! I'm gonna upload some more longer chapters in the next couple of days! One more week till spring break!

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