Chapter 8

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Monday's. worst day of the week. Not
This Monday! My dad is coming to see me and my mom... well who knows! She still won't ruin my life! 

Ethan and Grayson drove to school together. When I got out the the car Ethan grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. Whispered in my ear , "Don't let any of these boys steal you away from me." Then I heard Brooklyn yell across the parking lot. "ARIA!" She ran towards me, "so Monday's suck! They always have. Not this Monday!" We laughed and walked into school together like old times. When it was just me and her.

I was getting stuff out of my locker and grabbed my usual things. When I closed it I was startled by Ethan. "Are you excited?" He smiled. Then we stood their and talked. "Yeah why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know. Just the thought of what could happen."
"Ethan nothing is gonna happen" the second bell rang and I started walking towards my class. When I walked in of course the girls starting and giving Ethan google eyes I was annoyed. He leaned over and whispered in my ear, "your only mine." Then kissed me on the check and left. When I sat down all I could think about was Ethan showing me off. And making me only his. Class started and the day began.

When school was over Ethan came and got me from my locker. Only Ethan, Grayson drove home with Taylor. When we got into the car, Ethan just smiled at me. I thought about it and it would be better if I went home and talked to my mom. "Hey, Ethan can I go home. I think I should talk to my mom."
"I think you should wait and go with your dad."
"Please Ethan?" He looked down and thought about it.
"What if I go with you?" He looked at me.
"Deal" he started the car and we drove to my house.

We pulled up and my dads car was their. Trust me I know my dads car a 2017 Porsche 911 turbo. See my dad pretty much only drives Porsche. I was surprised. I thought he was coming later. Ethan looked at me and parked "I'm still going with you" Ethan got out then opened the door for me. I smiled at him and walked ahead. The door was locked. I was confused, then unlocked it. I heard my dad arguing with my mom in the kitchen. That seems familiar. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" My dad screamed at her. Ethan pulled me aside "Aria?"
"I'll be fine Ethan" then Walked towards the kitchen.
"SHES HORRIBLE, SHE RUNS OUT OF THE HOUSE! LOOK ITS TRASH AND I CAN NEVER CLEAN UP AFTER HER!" She is such a lier. I grabbed Ethan's hand and headed towards the kitchen.
"NO YOU TRASH IT! YOU ACT LIKE IVE NEVER MET HER! SHES CLEAN AND GETS GOOD GRADES! SHE IS ONE OF THE BEST KIDS IVE EVER MET!" My dad is the best dad ever.  When I walked in they saw me and Ethan. My dad looked at me first then Ethan and smiled. I let go of Ethan's hand and ran towards my dad giving him a big hug. Then stepping back standing next to Ethan. My dad looked at him and smiled. Shook his hand. "Ethan? Thank you for everything"
"Your welcome sir" Ethan is such a gentle man. My mom just snared at that whole conversation.
"Look at her! Look at what she is wearing!"
"Sarah! Can you be nice to her for 5 minutes!"
My dad snapped at her.
"So to make sure everyone is happy. This is what we're gonna d-" my dad sat down at the island in the kitchen.
"I'm happy, she's not!"
"Your a drug addict Sarah! And you drink all the time! No one is happy in this case! So we are gonna send Sarah off to rehab, so she can recover. For now I'm gonna stay, so Aria has a parent. Then when your recovered, and you can take care of Aria. I will head back to Florida. You leave for rehab tonight" damn my dad is the man.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" She yelled
"Well it's that, or I take her back to Florida and you never see her again" Ethan held my hand.
"Fine. I'll go pack" that women bows down to my dad. Me and Ethan just hugged each other. That was one of the best moments of my life. "Okay lovebirds, I want a hug" I gave dad the biggest hug I could give him. I couldn't help but smile. "So the thing is, your mom will be in a different state. She will be going to the best rehab! But she will be back in a week or two depending on how she does"
"Sounds great." I wrapped my arms around Ethan's stomach and Ethan's hands pulled
Me close. I turned and Barried my head into Ethan's chest and started crying. Ethan just held my head into his chest. I couldn't help but smile and cry.
"Can you guys not be all on each other for 5 minutes?" My mother walked in with her stuff. I turned around wiping away my tears.
"I'm crying because I finally get away from you or whatever this is." Ethan grabbed my hand pulling me back a little bit.
"Guys this isn't the time" my dad said grabbing
My mothers bags.

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