Chapter 29

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I woke up to call from my mother.
"Hello" I forced myself to answer.
"You have therapist session in 30 minutes! Why aren't you awake?" I was super annoyed at this point.
"Possibly because I had no clue!" I sat up.
"Well you need to check your text more often!" Then she hung up. I hurried up and put on my clothes.
"Ethan!" I threw his shirt at him and he flinched and woke up.
"What?" He had a raspy voice.
"Stop with your raspy voice! I have a therapist session in 25 minutes!" I forced a pair of leggings on.
"Baby girl you don't want to skip it and come lay with me?" He stood up and wrapped his arms around me.
"No I don't!" We laughed I put on Ethan's sweatshirt he was wearing from last night. I threw on a pair of flats and started looking for my purse. I turned around and Ethan was holding it for me.
"Thanks! Do you want to stay here? I don't know how long I'm gonna be!" I started walking out the door of my bedroom towards the stairs.
"Yeah I'll wait for you! Cam doesn't get out of the hospital for another couple days. We can go do something!" He didn't have a shirt and had adidas joggers on.
"Alright! I'll be back in a little. When I come back I expect you to still be in those pants without a shirt!" I winked at him. He pulled me in close.
"Anything for you baby girl." He kissed me and I walked towards my car and he yelled out at me.
"Don't fall I can't help you up if your not here!" He was talking about last night and I flipped him off. Then got into the car and hurried to the office.

When I walked in the girl behind the desk knew who I was right away and told me to head back to Dr. Ashley. I walked down the hall and saw the room with Dr. Ashley plastered on it. When I walked in a young girl with her hair up and glasses smiled at me.
"Hi! You must be Aria!" She shook my hand.
"Yeah! Dr. Ashley?" She smiled then we sat on the couch she had sitting against the wall.
"I have people call me Dr.Ashley because my last name is pretty lame." We started laughing.
"So tell me. What has happened since this school year has started?" She smiled at me. Again.
"Well I guess I'll start from the beginning! First my mom was really unhealthy and abused me. That had been happening for a super long time. Very few people knew. Then the first day of school I reconnected with a friend from middle school Ethan. Then I went to a party at his house. No I didn't drink but I developed a crush on him during the party. After that Ethan drove me home from school. When I walked in my mom started beating me. Ethan came in and saved me. He drove me back to his place. A couple days later we began dating. After that he made me call my dad and tell him. I did and my dad came back and sent my mom away to get help. When she came back after a few months we got to know each other more and more. Then a few weeks later I found out I was pregnant. I never told Ethan. My bestfriend Brooklyn is also pregnant. I told my dad and he flipped and was super mad at me. Then a few days later I lost the baby. I never told Ethan. I began partying with Ethan a lot. The drinking and every left and right. One day I tried to call my dad to tell him what happened. He yelled at me and that's when I decided I wanted to die. Then I tried. Ethan came in just in time. I woke up and everything was okay. Then a couple weeks after that I was drugged at a party and almost raped. Ethan saved me again. About 1 week ago Cameron Ethan's sister was shot and nobody knows who. But I feel like I do. I don't know how I keep up on everything" by this point I was crying. Dr. Ashley toke me in a hug and pulled me close.
"How are your grades?" She pulled back then handed me a tissue.
"Well I'm doing really good. School has always been pretty easy for me." I replied.
"That's super good! Now what do you like do? And what would you like to do when your older?" She asked me another question.
"Well I love designing clothes and want my own company one day" I smiled and I stopped crying.
"Good! That's hard business but I'm sure you can make it. You seem like a very determined girl!" I smiled at her. We talked for awhile about everything. Then I headed to the car and drove home.

I opened the door and Ethan was dressed and cleaning a plate from his breakfast.
"Hey I told you to stay in the those clothes!" It scared him a little then he realized it was me.
"Well I wanted to take you shopping today! So I decided just to get ready and we could go out when you got back!" I smiled at him.
"Why are you smiling so much?" He smiled back.
"Your just very cute!" He came over and hugged me. We just stood their for a second.
"Your so amazing Ethan." I kissed him.
"You are too beautiful." He squeezed a little. He let go and started to grab a pair of shoes and put them on.
"How was your session?" He tied his shoe.
"It was really good my therapist is super super nice!" I handed him the other shoe.
"Good-" he stood up."- ready?" I nodded my head and we got into his car and drove to the mall.

When we walked in I started going towards forever 21.
"What about that makeup place you like?" Ethan was holding my hand.
"Sephora?" I smiled at him. I have a few things from there but I never spent a lot of money their because I just never saw the point.
"Yeah whatever that place is. I'll take you their!" I smiled at him.

I payed for forever 21 because it was about $100 and I could just put it on the credit card my dad gave me. When we walked into the sephora Ethan looked down at one of the prices and held my hand a little bit tighter to get my attention.
"Dude you girls are expensive!" He smiled.
"Correction pretty girls are expensive!" We both laughed and I picked out a couple of things the glow kit, a fountain, and a naked palette. That was about $135. When we were at the cashier and Ethan payed he smiled back at me.
"Your spoiled rotten" I laughed and put my head on his shoulder. Then cashier made a comment that annoyed me very badly.
"So you wanna go out sometime?" I had to reverse real quick because I thought I made it kinda obvious.
"Um no. He doesn't." I replied back to her.
"Aren't you his sister your not the boss of him" she made a smart remark.
"Actually she's my girlfriend" Ethan looked up from the card machine. She made a ooh face and handed me my bag.

When we walked out we saw Grayson and Brooklyn.
"Hey! Grayson! And Brooklyn?

That was the moment that changed me, Ethan, Grayson, and Brooklyn's friendship.

Authors note: oh shoot

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