Chapter 35

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As days went by after prom. Every time I saw Ethan my stomach began to tighten up. Like the person I was always so head over heels with. Finally said he liked you. But instead he was in love with me. That was the best feeling in the world.

Although my mom began to get distant again. With work and Jared so it was like living alone. Which made my heart ache a little. I miss her being here to hold my hand and to pick me up when I'm down. With I got closer to my dad. But as I realized April was soon and I had to make the decision if I wanted to go with my dad for the summer. Or stay with all my friends. It sucked it sincerely sucked. To make that bug decision. But I won't worry about that now. We have this Friday off so Ethan is taking me out on date. I don't know where but somewhere.

I got dressed casual cause that's what I'm always told when Ethan takes me out on dates like this. I opened the door to flowers and hugged Ethan. After I put the flowers away and made my way out the door.

When pulled up it was a beech. A quiet no one there beech. Just like Valentine's Day. He looked at me and held my hand
close to him. We sat down and just talked and hung out. Something I feel like we never do. I heard my phone ring but I ignored then me and Ethan were kissing and it rang again but this time I answered it.
"You won't believe this" it was the frantic voice of Brooklyn.
"What?" I sat up. Ethan was worried.
"Abby-" she started crying.
"What's wrong?" I heard her sniffle.
"Her heart- stopped- beating. Sh-she died" I heard her heart crushing in those few words.
"Oh my god. I'm at the beach where are youP?"
"At-at my house" her words she could barely get out.
"Alright Me and E will be right over!" Ethan started getting the food and blankets together.
"Okay I'll see you soon" and then she hung up.

Me and Ethan rushed to her house. Not in a frantic crazy way but in a speed up a little way.
"Hey I think I should go check up on Cameron" Ethan held my hand tight.
"Yeah you can drop me off and then Just swing back around to pick me up?" He nodded his head.
"Hey Ethan?" I held his hand.
"I'm sorry for ruining our date" He smiled at me all cute and nice.
"You didn't ruin anything. You have to be there for your friends at all times. They are the people they truly care for you and love you with all there heart. Like the way Brooklyn does. And i do to" he squeezed my hand lightly.
"I love you like crazy. You know that?"

When i arrived at Brooklyn's house i heard crying from upstairs that broke my heart.
"Brooklyn? It's just me Aria!" I heard a tiny amount of moving. I went into her room and there she was cuddled in a ball.
"Hey girly." I knew i sounded sad.
"Hey." She sat up and wiped her tears away.
"How are you doing?" Well that's a dumb question.
"Well i pretty heartbroken" i sat down on the floor next to her.
"I know sweetheart! All this pain and heart break will go away I promise." I held her close and for the first time in a long time my best friend felt like my best friend.

A/N: hey guys! We haven't talked in awhile. But WOW over 700 reads? That's insane!! I really thought no one was ever gonna read this! Btw i have another fanfic of Ethan coming out called daddy's little girl! Feel free to check it out! Btw during this time Ethan and Grayson seem to be going threw some hard times. Honestly i just want them to be happy. Even his that means a small break or even a big one. <3


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