Chapter 6

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The next morning I woke up with a busting headache. I was totally wasted. I barely remembered last night that was the worst part. Ethan walked in and smiled.
"Hello, sleepy head" he smiled at me. My head rung.
"Can you not talk so loud?" I sat up.
"Grayson made you breakfast, and heres some medicine for your headache." Ethan handed me a Advil.
I got dressed and went to the kitchen and like Ethan said Grayson made me breakfast. Waffles. That's fine he tried. I drank the orange juice and felt a lot better.  Ethan came downstairs and kissed me on the cheek.
"Hey, how was breakfast?" Grabbing water.
"Good, what are we doing today?" I asked because he was dressed and ready to go.
"Me and gray are gonna go skateboarding, we can take you shopping after?" He answered.
"You don't wanna go shopping with me. Can you drop me at my house to get my car? I have the keys so I don't have to go in!" I wanted my car so bad. I liked driving. Like my own car.
"Yeah but you have to pull away at the same time as me and Gray"
"Deal" I couldn't wait to get my car.

In the car on our way to my house, Grayson asked me, "why didn't you want us to go shopping with you?"
"I like being by myself when I shop. I can actually focus, unless I'm with Brooklyn"
"Oh okay that makes since. Can you try and be back at the house around 6 I have some friends coming over that me and E want you to meet"
This made me wonder but I didn't mind. "Yeah of course"

When they dropped me off I sat in my car, wondering if I should go in. Ethan honked at me and I left. I headed to the mall. And them to the skate park.
The last thing I wanted was to be alone so I called my favorite person.
"Hey girl! What are you doing?" I called Brooklyn.
"Nothing, I'm gonna hang with Cam later."
"Do you wanna go to the mall?"
"Hell yeah! On my way their!"
I found a spot and went to the PINK store because that's were Brooklyn would be at. Then look at that she was their! I saw her picking up a cropped sweater debating if she was gonna get it.
"It will look fantastic!" I walked up to her. She looked at me stunned and excited.
"Yeah, it looks pretty comfy" she looked at it again.
"Ugh that word makes me cringe so much!" I scrunched up my nose.
"Pretty?" We laughed. She grabbed it in her hands and we looked around some more. Then I saw a super cute quarter zip. Almost the same as Brooklyn's sweater. Gray (the same gray), then the pink sign were a pocket would be. We didn't find anything else and checked out. I didn't buy their underwear. I only had 3 of their bras because they were pretty cute and good for when all I wanted to do was be comfortable. I really just wore Calvin Klein it was really comfortable AND really cute. We looked at pacsun which was my favorite store and I bought the adidas crew neck in gray. I have a lot of gray clothes if you can't tell. And unlimited spending. It's hard to shop when you have most things at the mall. But we still look around because we never know what we might need and not have.

When we were in Hollister I was looking at shirts and so was Brooklyn. Brooklyn looked at me and said, "So what are you and Ethan?"
"I don't really know to be honest"
"Has he asked you to be his official girlfriend?"
"What about you and Cameron?" I tried to change the subject.
"Were a thing I guess." She answered quick then back to me and Ethan.
"Are you guys a thing?" She asked again.
"Yeah, kinda!"
"Are you guys hooking up?" I looked down and smiled.
"YOU GUYS ARE A THING!" She playfully threw a shirt at me.
"Shh!" We laughed; and at this moment I realized how fantastic my bestfriend is. She will always be their for me. I noticed this a lot and I don't think I will forget these moments anytime soon.

We talked for a second and then decided to go home. I walked to Brooklyn's car so she could drive me to mine. Because mine was far and I'm not gonna walk that far.
"Aria, I know you want to avoid this but how's your mom doing?" I looked down.
"Let's just say my dad is gonna come back for a week or two and is gonna help sort things out." Brooklyn was the only other person I had told, well before Ethan. I can remember that day like yesterday. It was the begging of sophomore year and my mom had given me a bruise on my arm.
September 16th 2015
"Who did this" Brooklyn pointed to on my arm. I started crying because I just needed to. I hated the thought of this all. My mom, my dad being gone. I felt lost. I had to tell someone.
"My mom"
"No,No,No,No, you have to tell someone!"
"I can't I don't want her to be taken away."

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