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I wake up screaming, sticky from the warm sweat and embraced in Peeta's strong loving arms.

He whispers soothing words like, 'It's okay, I'm here, it will be okay, it was only a nightmare.'

Although it wasn't just a nightmare, it was my living hell. It was Prim again. It's always the worst, the way she lit up like a human torch. Trying, to save me.

Tears pour from my eyes as I cry into Peeta's bare chest, soaking him in my tears. After 10 minutes, I eventually start to calm down, letting out a small sob now and then. Peeta lifts my chin forcing me to look into his gorgeous blue eyes filled with fear as he hates seeing me in pain.

"Are you okay now?" He asks me.

I nod in answer.

"I love you" I tell him, not losing contact with his eyes.

He smiles the smile I fell in love with, "I love you too." He replies, leaning forward so his soft lips meet mine.

I return the kiss, then when we break away I lay my head on my usual spot on his chest, listening to the thud of his heart beat, drifting off to sleep wrapped in his arms.


I wake up running my fingers along the mattress where Peeta was lying. The smell of fresh bread was making its way up the stairs and into the bedroom. I wrap my robe around me and slip on my slippers and make my way down to the kitchen.

"Morning beautiful." Peeta says while slicing the freshly made bread.

"Good Morning." I say back, taking a seat at the table.

Peeta comes over with the bread and takes a seat opposite me, we both take a slice and eat.

"I need to go into town today and see Greasy Sae at the hob, will you come?" I ask him.

"Yeah, course I will." He says, smiling.

"I'm going to go and take a shower." I tell him, getting up.

"Okay." he replies.

I walk up to the bathroom, slip out of my nightgown and turn on the shower to the temperature I love. I step in and look through all of the different scents of shampoo, there are so many of them, it's only shampoo! I eventually find one and think his much Peeta would like the smell, tulips.

The day before the Quarter Quell, Peeta and I spent the day on the roof of the training centre, surrounded by the sweet smelling flowers. He said they were his favourite, and he had always liked the smell. I apply the shampoo to my hair, condition ,wash my body and step out.

I enter the bedroom while brushing my hair and open the wardrobe and slip on my jeans and green blouse. I decide to leave my hair down in its natural waves for once and let it dry naturally.

As I'm walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth, I hear a scream from downstairs, and things being smashed. I run down the stairs, and into the living room to find smashed glass and broken ornaments.

"Peeta?" I call out, terrified of what could have happened.

There is no answer.

"Peeta!" I scream while running into the kitchen.

There he is unharmed, sitting on the floor in a ball crying into his hands, surrounded by broken glass.

"Peeta, what hap-" I begin.

He raises his head slowly, as he starts breathing heavily. His blue eyes fix on me, only they aren't his piercing blue eyes, but dark and cloudy like in District 13 and are filled with fear and hatred.

Then it hits me. He's having one of his flashbacks.

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