Chapter 3

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Finn was rendered speechless when Rory opened her door.  She looked stunning in a flirty blue dress, silver heels that made her legs look impossibly long, and with soft curls in her hair.  She was an absolute vision.  He finally reeled himself back in and spoke.

"You look incredible, kitten.  I'm going to be the envy of every man in the restaurant tonight," he said with a wink, and he chuckled to himself as she blushed at the compliment.

"Aw, Finn!  You're too kind!" Rory said as she stepped forward and kissed his cheek lightly.  "You look pretty handsome yourself there, mister.  I'll have to fight the other women off tonight, I'm certain," Rory said with a laugh.

"Never, love.  You'll have my undivided attention."

"Such a charmer!  Are we ready?" Rory asked, holding up her coat and jacket.

"This way, milady," he replied as he offered her his arm.  She quickly wrapped her arm around his and closed her door behind her as they headed off toward the elevator.

"I hope you don't mind, kitten.  I didn't rent a car because I didn't plan to go anywhere, so we'll use the car service tonight."

"Sure, that's fine with me.  I'm easy to please," Rory said quickly, and then she must have realized what she had said because she blushed furiously.

"Cat got your tongue, pet?" Finn asked with a laugh as he helped her in the car and slid in next to her.

"Sorry, Finn.  I guess some things never change, huh?  I can still blush with the best of them," Rory said with a laugh.

"That's just one of the things we all love about you, dear.  So tell me, what else is new with Rory Gilmore?" Finn asked.

"Not a lot, really.  I'm sending out more resumes and putting out feelers for jobs after this is over and just looking forward to being in one place.  What's new with you?"

"Well, I'm working in the family business now, obviously.  I spend most of my time in New York City, but I travel some as needed to check up on our holdings and oversee our properties.  Believe it or not, I enjoy the family business," Finn said as they pulled up to the restaurant.  "We're here, kitten.  I hope you still love Italian food?"

"Of course, Finn!  Italian's great."

Finn exited the car and offered his hand to help Rory out before tucking her hand into his arm and leading her to the door of the restaurant.  He held the door open for her, placing his hand on the small of her back to guide her into the restaurant.  He couldn't help but notice that she didn't tense up with his touch, and he returned the shy grin she gave him with a wink.

"Good evening.  Reservation for Morgan, sir," Finn said by way of greeting the maitre'd.

The maitre'd greeted them quickly and led them to a cozy booth in the back.  Finn wasn't at all oblivious to the eyes on them as they entered the restaurant.  Rory had always been unaware of the effect she had on men, but he noticed all of the appreciative glances sent her way.  He took his seat across Rory after offering his hand to help her into her side of the booth and placed his napkin in his lap.

"How about some wine, kiten?  Maybe a red?"

"That would be perfect, Finn!  Thank you," Rory replied as their server approached their table.

"Good evening, my name is Emma and I'll be your server tonight.  Would you like to start with a bottle of wine?"

"Yes, we would love a bottle of your cabernet, please," Finn said as he looked up briefly and then back to Rory.  The waitress left the table to bring their wine and suddenly he heard Rory laughing.

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