Chapter 51

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As soon as Rory and Finn got back to their apartment that afternoon, they settled onto the couch and got ready to share their good news. 

"Shall we call the lovely Lorelai first?" Finn offered.

"Are you sure you don't mind if we tell her first?"

"Not at all, Love.  Go ahead and get her on the phone," he encouraged her.

Rory dialed her mom's number and put the phone on speaker, anxiously waiting for her to answer.

"Hey, sweets.  How's married life treating you?" Lorelai asked when she answered the phone.

"It's really fantastic, Mom.  We're enjoying the last couple of days before we go back to work.  How's life in Stars Hollow?"

"It's life in Stars Hollow, kid - nothing ever changes," Lorelai said with a laugh.  "Is my exotic son-in-law there?"

"I'm right here, Lorelai.  You're on speakerphone," Finn replied.

"Speakerphone, huh?  What's the momentous occasion?"  Lorelai knew that Rory generally hated putting anyone on speaker.

"We actually have some news, Mom, and we couldn't wait to share it with you.  We found out on our wedding day, but we were just able to see the doctor this morning.  We're expecting - I'm six weeks pregnant," Rory rambled, suddenly nervous for her mom's reaction.

"Whoa, that's amazing!  My baby's having a baby!" Lorelai shrieked loudly.  "This is the best news, you two.  Congratulations!"

"Thank you, Mom.  We're both really excited.  You're actually the first person we've told; we're about to call Finn's parents," replied Rory. 

"Oh my goodness, I can't wait to go shopping for tiny little baby booties and onesies and dresses!" Lorelai continued.

"Mom, no shopping yet.  We don't know what we're having, so there's no point in buying any clothes right now," Rory reminded her firmly.

"Nonsense, Ror.  It's a girl - I just know it!" Lorelai insisted.

"You and Finn agree there, but we should still wait.  I'm going to go now, Mom.  We need to talk to Finnegan and Amelia.  I love you, Mom!" Rory said.

"I love you guys.  Take care, and come see me soon!" Lorelai said before hanging up.

Rory leaned into Finn and snuggled into his arms for a moment as they enjoyed a lingering kiss.  "Do you want to see if your mom could meet us at the office in about an hour?  We could tell your parents in-person," Rory offered.

"That would be perfect," Finn agreed.  He called his mum and made arrangements to meet at the office and then chuckled when he looked down at Rory - she had dozed off in the couple of minutes that he was on the phone.  He kicked his shoes off and grabbed the television remote, happy to hold his wife while she napped.  He flipped the television on and then pulled the blanket off the back of the couch over them.  He flipped through a through channels, only half paying attention, and then reached over and picked up his cell phone.  He opened his browser and pulled up listings for brownstones in the city.  He looked through several, bookmarking the properties that he thought Rory might like as she slept.  He put his phone away just in time to wake her and soon they were taking the short walk to Morgan Headquarters. 

They arrived at the office and walked over to Finnegan's office.  Finn knocked lightly on the door and they walked in to find that his mum had already arrived.

"Finn, Rory!  It's so lovely to see you both," Amelia said happily as she hugged them.  "I was a bit surprised to hear from you today."

"Well, we're having a get together for our friends tonight to announce our news, and we wanted to talk with you first.  It seems that the Morgan family will be expanding even more - Rory and I are six weeks pregnant," Finn said proudly as he wrapped his arm around Rory's waist.

"Oh, this is splendid news!" Amelia cried, embracing them both once again.

"Indeed it is!  Congratulations - your mum and I couldn't possibly be any happier for you two," Finnegan added.

"When did you find out?" asked Amelia.

"On our wedding day, actually.  I took the test before we left to meet everyone for dinner, and I told Finn that night.  We went to the doctor today and got a look at our little one," Rory replied.  She reached into her purse and retrieved the ultrasound copy they had gotten for Finn's mom and dad and handed it to Amelia.

"I...I just can't believe that my baby is going to be a daddy," Amelia whispered as she looked at the picture.  "You two are happy about this?"  She hadn't really heard Rory and Finn talk about starting a family, so it was only natural to want to ensure that they were happy about this development.

"We're over the moon about it," Finn said softly.

"I hadn't really thought about starting a family yet, but after thinking I might be pregnant for a few days I realized that I really wanted it," added Rory.  "I found myself hoping that it was true, and then when the test was positive I was elated."

"Now we're going to go ahead and start our search for a new home.  I found several brownstones in the area that are listed for sale.  I want to be settled in a family home before Baby Morgan makes his or her debut," said Finn.

"So you'll be staying in the City after the baby is born?" Finnegan asked, relieved that it sounded like they were.  He loved having them close, and he wasn't sure how Morgan Holdings would function without either of them.

"Of course we are - it's home.  We both love where we live and work, and since we have onsite child care here it will work out perfectly once I return from maternity leave," answered Rory.

"I'm so glad - you're both quite indispensable here," Finnegan chuckled. 

"Well, we best get going; we have an apartment full of people coming over tonight.  We'll see you soon," Finn said.  They hugged his parents and walked back out hand-in-hand, both looking forward to sharing all of their news with their closest friends that night.

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