Chapter 24

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Rory relaxed in Finn's arms on the short ride to the gala in honor of her 25th birthday. She was relishing these few moments of calm before the insanity of this evening began in earnest. While she had certainly been to more than her fair share of society events, this would be the first one that was thrown in her honor since her 16th birthday, and that couldn't even begin to compare to tonight. She sighed and scooted even closer to Finn as they pulled up in front of the mansion.

"I so don't want to do this, Finn," Rory whispered as they pulled up.

"I know you don't, love, but I'll be here every step of the way, okay? Everything's going to be fine. Now, the vultures are waiting to photograph the girl of the hour. Are you ready?"

"Almost," Rory answered with a sly smile.

"Almost, kitten?"

"Yeah, you have to kiss me first," she replied with a wink.

"Well, in that case..." Finn trailed off. He leaned down and kissed her passionately, nibbling on her lower lip and continuing until she was breathless. "All better?" he whispered.

"Yeah," Rory answered dreamily with her eyes still closed. "If I get overwhelmed tonight just do that again and I'll be good."

"That's a deal, love. Now, let's get this show on the road." Finn stepped out of the limo to flashing cameras and rushed questions. He was enough of a draw for the media on his own, but when you added in the fact that he was dating Rory it was even more of a draw. They would certainly both be major targets after the additional announcement that she was the Hayden heir tonight. He turned to the limo and took Rory's extended hand, helping her out of the limo and wrapping his arm around her waist in order to steady her on her feet and pose for the cameras.

"Mr. Morgan, how long have you and Miss Gilmore been dating?" "Miss Gilmore, who are you wearing tonight?" "Mr. Morgan, Miss Gilmore, is this an arranged relationship?"

The questions being shot at them in rapid-fire fashion were dizzying. They began their walk down the red carpet that her grandparents had rolled out for the evening hand-in-hand, trying their best to ignore the shouts of the paparazzi around them. After about the tenth yelled question about whether or not their relationship was a business arrangement Rory stopped in her tracks and turned to Finn. She reached up and took his face in her hands gently and kissed him. It was a sweet, lingering kiss that spoke volumes to those who saw it about how much the pair cared for each other. They finished their walk into the mansion without any further questions about the legitimacy of their relationship and finally entered the relative peace of the estate.

"Rory, there you are!" Emily cried as they walked in. "You look wonderful, dear! Now, who is this handsome gentleman with you this evening?"

"Grandma, it's good to see you. As you're well aware, this is Finn Morgan. Finn, my grandma, Emily Gilmore."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Gilmore," Finn greeted Emily as he kissed her hand.

"Please, call me Emily," Emily demurred in response. "Now, Rory, everyone is in the study to sign the official papers. Right this way," she instructed.

Rory grabbed Finn's hand and pulled her along with him, holding on for dear life.

"This will be the easiest part of the night and I'm still nervous," Rory whispered in his ear.

"Take a deep breath, love. We'll make it through the night together," Finn reassured her.

They entered the room to see Richard and Emily, Francine Hayden, and Christopher Hayden.

"Rory, lovely to see you," Richard boomed.

"Grandpa!" Rory cried as she hugged him tightly. "It's so good to see you!" Rory then crossed the room to the Haydens. "Dad! I've missed you!" Rory greeted her father with a hug. "And Grandma Francine, it's wonderful to see you!" she said as she moved to hug her. She returned to Finn's side.

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