Chapter 10

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Rory and Finn woke slowly Friday morning having spent the night curled up together in blissful sleep.  Finn had taken the day off, since all of the campaign activities were over for the week, and Rory just needed to write her article over the previous night's events by noon. 

Finn had just begun to open his eyes when he felt Rory snuggling in closer to him, their bodies pressed together.  They hadn't even bothered with clothes before falling asleep last night.  He tightened his arms around her and laid there half awake, half asleep, and relishing the feeling of having her next to him.  They'd woke up next to each other three days in a row, and he couldn't help but think of how much he was going to miss this when she had to leave the next day.

He was pulled from his thoughts when he felt Rory scoot out of bed and heard her pad toward the bathroom.  She emerged a few minutes later wearing only Finn's dress shirt from last night, and he almost lost all self control right then.

"If you're going to run around the room looking like that I'm going to have to drag you back to bed, kitten," he teased.

"Give me five minutes to make coffee and I'll willingly come back to bed with you," she shot back with a wink as she walked toward the kitchen.

Rory returned a few minutes later with two cups of coffee and set them on the nightstand before sliding back in bed with Finn.

"So, last night was..." she began.

"Indeed it was, love," Finn smirked.

"I was thinking, though, perhaps we should see if it's still just as amazing the next morning?" she flirted.

"I thought you'd never ask," Finn said with a sly grin as he unbuttoned his shirt that she was wearing and pulled her on top of him.

They were both breathless and smiling half an hour later, her head laying on his chest and his arms around her tightly.

"I must say, still just as amazing for me this morning," Finn said, his voice still husky.

"Most definitely," Rory replied.  "Now, unfortunately I really do need to go work on my article."

"How about we go down to your room and grab all of your stuff to bring up here and I go next door and grab breakfast for us while you work?  You've spent every night in my room since Tuesday; I highly doubt you'll spend tonight in your own room.  I can have the front desk check you out and we'll save your boss the cost of one night's stay."

"Sure, sounds great," Rory replied, looking around the room for clothes.  "Crap.  All I have is my dress from last night, and I really don't want to go back downstairs in that."

Finn got up and crossed the room to his suitcase and removed a pair of sweats and a t-shirt.

"Here you go, kitten.  You can wear these," he said as he handed them to her.

She slid on the offered sweats and t-shirt and grabbed her room key as Finn threw on jeans and a t-shirt.

"I can't believe I'm leaving the room like this," Rory laughed.  "Here, will you put my phone in your pocket?  I don't have any pockets for it."

"I happen to think you look quite enticing in my clothes," Finn teased as he put her phone in his pocket and took her hand and they walked back to the elevator.

Fortunately, their timing seemed to be perfect, and they didn't run into anyone on the way into Rory's room.  She and Finn packed up her belongings quickly and and slid on her slippers for the trip back up and they arrived back in his suite less than fifteen minutes after they'd left.  Finn dropped Rory's bags in the bedroom and came back to the living room to see her already settled in with her laptop and her cup of coffee.  He crossed the room to where she was sitting and kissed her softly.

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