Chapter 40

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A/N: You guys have been so patient with this storyline all week, so here's a weekend bonus to answer all your questions.


Rory sighed as she walked into her's and Finn's apartment the next morning. She threw her keys on the table next to the door and walked straight into the master bedroom. Her heart dropped as she noticed that the bed was still made - Finn must not have come home last night. She was suddenly overcome with more doubts about what he had been doing recently. He'd been far too withdrawn and evasive the last week.

She felt warm tears streaming down her cheeks and walked in and started the shower. She desperately needed to wash off the last twenty-four hours. She peeled off her clothes and stood under the hot water, scrubbing in an attempt to rid herself of everything that seemed so hopeless at the moment. She stood in the shower until the water turned cold and finally got out and dried herself off. She dressed in yoga pants and a t-shirt and then walked into the living room to find her cell phone. She looked through her notifications and saw the missed call from Finn at two o'clock that morning and one unread text. She closed her eyes for a moment, bracing herself for whatever he had to say, and clicked on the text. As she read it she furrowed her brow. She'd had enough of his dodging her and lying, and she suddenly snapped. She was beyond angry. She shot back a quick reply of her own.

I've been home, Finn. You're the one who's avoiding home and lying. Yes, I know that you've been closing down the bars every night for the last week and that you didn't come home last night. -R

She only had to wait a few minutes to receive a reply.

How did you know where I've been? -F

She steeled herself and replied again.

Does it matter how I know, Finn? You need to come clean. I'm moving my stuff into the guest room. We'll talk tomorrow night. I don't know what else to say. You hurt me, and I don't deserve this. -R

Finn was seething when he got Rory's reply. Only two people knew where he had been at night lately, and he knew Colin wouldn't have sold him out. That only left Logan. Before he even could think it through, he had dialed Logan's number. She gritted his teeth as he heard his supposed best friend answer the phone.


"You were with her last night, weren't you?" Finn spat angrily.

"If you weren't dodging your girlfriend you would know who she was with," Logan shot back.

"Cut the shit. Did you just see your opportunity to move in on her?"

"I don't know what your problem is, Finn, but you need to figure it out. Whatever the hell's going on with you two - either fix it or break up with her. She doesn't deserve any of this," Logan said firmly.

"You just want me to break up with her so you can have another shot, huh?"

Finn could hear Logan sigh and take a few deep breaths.

"I want my best friend to pull his head out of his ass and do the right thing. Take it from someone who has loved and lost Rory Gilmore - fix it while you can. She deserves better than this. If you can't give it to her, if you don't appreciate the amazing woman you have and treat her like she should be treated - then get the hell out of the way and I will do my damnedest to make sure she's never hurt again," Logan said tersely before hanging up.

Finn threw his phone down angrily. Of course Logan would take her side in all of this. No one had bothered to ask him why he was so upset and avoiding the woman he loved. He'd been down this road before and it had nearly destroyed him. He didn't think he could survive it a second time.

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