Chapter 20

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"Good morning, love," Finn whispered as Rory stirred in his arms Tuesday morning.

"Morning, Finn," Rory purred as she burrowed closer to Finn's body and sighed a happy sigh.  Finn chuckled at the sight.  Waking up with Rory had quickly become one of his favorite moments over the last month.

"Did you sleep well?" Finn asked.

"I always do when I'm next to you," Rory replied sleepily as she yawned.

"It is nice, isn't it?" Finn answered before his phone rang.

"Morgan," he answered quickly after looking at the caller ID.

"Good morning, Caroline."

"No, I'm on vacation this week.  Is everything okay?
"Oh no...No, I totally understand.  It will take me three or four hours to get there by car, but I'll get moving that way." 

"Hartford?  Yeah, I can do that.  Have a car waiting when we land," Finn finished as he hung up.

"Is everything okay, Finn?" Rory asked as soon as he hung up the phone.

"I'm afraid not, love.  That was my secretary; a guest at one of our properties was intoxicated and drowned in the pool.  I need to help handle the PR and media mess in the office in the City.  They're sending a helicopter to Hartford to pick us up in order to get us there quickly.  I'm so sorry that we need to leave earlier," Finn answered quickly.

"Hey, you don't need to apologize," Rory reassured him as she jumped out of bed and moved to her suitcase.  "Are we headed straight to your office?"

"Yes, I can have the car drop you off at my apartment if you'd prefer," Finn answers as he gets dressed and packs quickly.

"No, I'll go with you and make sure there's nothing I can do to help you," Rory answers quickly as she pulls out slacks, a button-down shirt and a dress jacket.

"You are amazing, love," Finn replies as he ducks into the bathroom to finish getting ready.

Rory quickly dresses and brushes her hair out, packs the rest of her things, and brushes her teeth, deciding to put on her makeup on the way to save time.  She calls her mom to tell her that they're leaving earlier than expected and the couple stops by Luke's to grab muffins and coffee to go before driving to Hartford to meet the helicopter.  After a short helicopter ride, Finn briefs Rory on what he knows of the situation on the way to the office.  They arrive and she grabs her messenger bag and walks into the office with Finn.

Finn and Rory are met at the front doors by Finn's secretary, Caroline. 

"Mr. Morgan, your father is waiting in your office," Caroline tells Finn as she greets the pair.

"Thank you, Caroline.  Caroline, this is Rory Gilmore, my girlfriend.  Rory, this is my secretary, Caroline," Finn introduces the two quickly as they board the elevator and ride to the top floor or Morgan Holdings and the two ladies greet each other.  Rory stops Finn as they step off of the elevator.

"Hey, do you want me to wait out here?" Rory asks, not wanting to be in the way.

"No, come on in, love," Finn says as he takes her hand.  "Dad will be thrilled to meet you, even under these circumstances.  You won't be in the way at all."

Rory nods and follows Finn into his office, where she sees a tall man with salt-and-pepper hair and the same piercing eyes that Finn has.

"Dad, we got here as quickly as we could," Finn greets his father as he hugs him.

"Thank you so much, son.  I apologize for calling you in; with us not currently having a Media and Public Relations Director this is going to be a nightmare."

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