Chapter 29

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Rory sighed as their flight descended into a private airstrip in Hartford.  Their two weeks in Australia had been more than she could have dreamed.  After their adventures on the water with Finn's Aussie friends, they had spent the remainder of the week relaxing together and Rory had spent one additional afternoon with the girls in order to execute her final surprise for Finn, which he still wasn't aware of.  Now they were back to life, and she wasn't sure exactly what she should be expecting.  It had been so long since she had a home to go back to every night or an office, or even a boyfriend.  Everything was different now, and she couldn't help but smile as she thought about just how different her life was.  Sure, being named the heiress to the Gilmore and Hayden businesses and fortunes had complicated things, but for at least this one moment in time, it seemed as though she had everything.

Rory and Finn planned to spend Wednesday and most of Thursday in Stars Hollow, spending time with Lorelai and packing Rory's belongings, and then driving to Finn's New York apartment in Rory's newly-purchased Cadillac Escalade.  Her grandparents had decided that a Prius "simply wasn't appropriate for a person of her stature" while she and Finn were in Australia and had taken it upon themselves to sell the Prius and buy the Escalade.  While Rory wasn't exactly happy about the elder Gilmores making decisions for her, she knew it wasn't worth fighting with them over.

The jet touched down and Rory could see her mom bouncing from foot to foot in the small parking area adjacent to the runway.  Both Rory and Finn had taken great care to not disclose any information regarding where they had been or their travel plans publicly in hopes of not attracting media attention during their trip or upon their return, and for the moment at least, they seemed to have been successful.  They gathered their carry-ons and walked down the stairs onto the tarmac hand-in-hand as Lorelai bounded up to the couple.

"You actually came home!" Lorelai squealed excitedly as she enveloped Rory in a huge hug. 

"I told you I would," Rory chuckled as she returned her mom's embrace.

"I know, but you never know what might change.  I mean, you're at a house on a private beach with with hot Aussie.  You might decide never to come back to me," Lorelai volleyed as she moved to hug Finn.  "Good to see you, Finn."

"Good to see you as well, Lorelai," Finn returned warmly as they broke their embrace.

Rory moved back to Finn's side, snuggling into him as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she wrapped hers around his waist.

"Look at you two!  You both look so tanned and relaxed and happy.  I don't think I've ever seen you like this, Ror," Lorelai gushed.

"It feels good, Mom.  Now, let's get out of here and head to Luke's; I'm starved," Rory replied.

"You're always starved," Finn teased.

"And you love me anyway," Rory shot back as she reached up on her tiptoes and kissed him lightly.  "Besides, you'd better get used to it since we're going to be living together."

"I really do love you, kitten, and I can't wait to get you moved in," Finn returned as he kissed her nose.

Neither had noticed Lorelai's mouth hanging open in surprise.

"Whoa, kiddo.  Apparently Mommy missed a lot while you two were in Australia," Lorelai whispered in surprise.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, Mom.  I didn't mean for it to come out like that.  I wanted to actually sit down with you and tell you," Rory replied nervously.  Lorelai noticed the uncertain look on Rory's face and quickly realized that she must be nervous.

"No, it's all good.  It's sweet even to find out like this," Lorelai reassured her.  "I'm beyond happy for you two, seriously.  You know I haven't always been a fan of your boyfriends, but this is a great thing."

'Really?" Rory asked hopefully.

"Really, Rory.  I couldn't be any happier for you if I tried.  You two are fantastic together.  Now, let's get to Luke's.  I believe these belong to you.  I must say, that's one heck of a nice ride you've got now," she finished as she held the keys to Rory's new black Escalade out to her.

"Thank you so much, Mom," Rory replied misty-eyed as she hugged her mom again and they all walked over to her new vehicle, which had already been loaded with their luggage.  Rory handed Finn the keys and walked toward the passenger side.

"Whoa, you sure about that, kitten?  Don't you want to drive your new vehicle?" he asked her.

"I'm positive, Finn.  I want you to drive, and I just want to sit back and relax."

Finn nodded and opened the passenger doors for both Rory and Lorelai before proceeding to the driver's side and situating himself behind the wheel.

"Whoa," Rory breathed out when she took in the interior of the vehicle.  It had an entertainment system and in-dash navigation, heated seats, and every other amenity that she could think of.

"I think your car's almost worth more than my house, kiddo," Lorelai teased.

"Oh, hush, you!  I didn't ask for this," Rory shot back as Finn started the car and headed off towards Stars Hollow.  Lorelai filled the pair in on all of the newest happenings in Stars Hollow on the drive to Luke's, scarcely stopping to take a breath.  When they pulled up in front of Luke's Finn helped them both from the car and they walked in the door to the Gilmore girls' favorite diner.

"Luke, my baby's home!" Lorelai exclaimed as they walked in.

"I can see that," Luke replied as he looked up to see the group.  "Welcome back, Rory," he greeted as he hugged her lightly.  "And Finn, it's good to see you again," he continued as he shook Finn's hand.

The group finished exchanging hellos and Luke brought three cups of coffee over to the table where they all sat down.  They gave Luke their orders and then Rory and Finn began animatedly telling Lorelai all about their trip to Finn's homeland.  They told her about their lazy days, sightseeing, and Rory told her all about getting to meet Finn's friends.  Finn proudly told Lorelai all about deep sea fishing, snorkeling, and parasailing as they scrolled through the pictures on their phones and the underwater camera they had purchased, letting her see their adventures over the last two weeks.

"It looks like you guys had an amazing time," Lorelai said when they had finished and their food had been delivered to the table.

"We really did, Mom.  It's so beautiful and peaceful.  I could have stayed there forever," Rory answered wistfully.

"Oh no, missy.  Don't you get any ideas about moving all the way across the world from Mommy.  I'm just now getting you back within driving distance," Lorelai admonished.

"We're not moving across the world, Mom," Rory said as she rolled her eyes dramatically.  "I'm moving to New York."

"Have you guys decided where you're going to live?" Lorelai asked.

"Ror's going to move in with me for now, and after she gets settled into her new job we'll probably look for someplace a bit bigger.  We were thinking about maybe looking at brownstones," Finn replied.  "I don't want her to feel like she's living in my apartment; I want us to choose a place and settle in together."

"You two are disgustingly cute," Lorelai teased them as the bells over the diner door rang out, indicating the arrival of a new patron.  Suddenly Rory heard Luke's surprised voice.


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