Chapter 50

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"Rory Morgan?" the nurse called as she opened the door to the waiting room.

"That's us," Rory replied.  Finn stood and helped her up and they followed the nurse hand-in-hand.  The nurse took her weight and then escorted them to an exam room and took her vitals.

"Alright, here's a gown for you to change into.  The doctor will be in shortly," the nurse said when she finished, and then she left Rory and Finn alone in the room.  Rory changed out of her clothes and into the robe and then sat down on the exam table, fidgeting nervously.

"You okay there, Love?" Finn asked.  It was rare to see Rory act like that.

"Yeah, I'm good.  I'm just a little nervous is all.  I didn't realize that I was pregnant and was still drinking, so I'm just anxious to know that everything is okay," she said softly.

Finn wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly as she laid her head on his head and clung to him.  "I'm certain that everything will be fine, Ror.  You really didn't drink much - just a few glasses of wine.  We'll get our reassurance soon," he told her comfortingly just before there was a knock on the door.

"Rory?  Hi, I'm Dr. Myers," the doctor said as she walked in.  She had a warm smile and Rory instantly felt at ease.  "It's nice to meet you," she continued as she offered Rory her hand.

Rory reached out and shook her hand.  "It's nice to meet you as well.  This is my husband, Finn."

"Pleasure to meet you, Dr. Myers," Finn said, shaking her hand too.

"Well, I see here that you had a positive home pregnancy test.  We'll do an exam and some blood work today, and we'll also do an ultrasound to date your pregnancy.  How have you been feeling?" Dr. Myers asked Rory.

"Overall I've been feeling well.  I've been really tired, but I don't seem to be dealing with much nausea yet."

"That's good.  Some women don't really have problems with morning sickness; perhaps you'll be one of those lucky women," the doctor replied with a smile.  "Now, if you'll just lay down and scoot your bottom all the way down to the end of the table I'll do your exam and then we'll get a look at your baby."

Rory scooted down and focused on Finn as the doctor completed her internal exam.  He was holding her hand and making silly faces at her, causing her to laugh at him.  It was a nice distraction from the discomfort of what the doctor was doing.  Soon she turned on the ultrasound machine and began the transvaginal ultrasound.  It only took a minute for her to find what she was looking for.  She turned the screen toward Rory and Finn and smiled.  "That's your baby right there," she said, pointing to the screen. 

Rory gasped and smiled, grasping Finn's hand more tightly.  He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead, unable to speak at the pure emotion of the moment.

"And right there, you can see the baby's heart beating.  You're measuring right around six weeks pregnant - that's measured from the first day of your last period.  Does that match your dates?"

Rory nodded her head, trying to reel in her emotions.  "Yes, that sounds right," Rory whispered.  She had tears in her eyes.  "Does the baby look healthy?  I didn't know I was pregnant, and I had a few glasses of wine."

"Your baby looks perfect at this point, so you can relax," Dr. Myers replied with a smile.  "I'll let you get cleaned up.  Do you have any questions for me?"

"No, I think we're good," replied Rory.

"Good deal.  You can pick up prints from the ultrasound at the front desk when you check out.  You can get dressed, and the nurse will be in shortly to draw your blood.  Don't hesitate to call the office with any questions or should there be any problems; I'll see you in four weeks," the doctor explained.

She left the room and Rory got dressed.  As soon as she was finished putting her clothes on the nurse knocked and came into the room.  She quickly drew Rory's labs and then Rory and Finn were on their way to the checkout desk.  They picked up their ultrasound pictures and made their next appointment.

"What now, Love?  Are you hungry?" Finn asked.  They'd slept in and had a late breakfast, so Rory was sure to be ready for food.

"I'm starving, and now that I know all is well I can relax and enjoy lunch.  I'd really love a good burger," Rory replied.

"Burgers it is then, my dear," Finn agreed.  They walked down the street to a small diner and ordered burgers and fries.  "What are you thinking, Ror?" he asked her softly after the waitress had walked away from their table.

"I'm thinking that this is all surreal and amazing," she replied with a smile.

"It is all pretty incredible.  Do we want to tell our parents before we have everyone over tonight?"

"Yeah, that would be a good idea.  It doesn't seem right for them not to be the first to know," she agreed.

"Then it's settled - we'll enjoy our lunch, give our families the good news, and then enjoy an evening giving our friends the shock of their lives," he said with a sly grin.

"I think our parents are going to be over-the-moon," Rory said.  "We'll be lucky if they aren't all decorating the nursery by tomorrow morning."

"They will be excited," Finn chuckled.  "I can't blame them, though - I'm pretty damn excited that you're carrying our first child.  I think it must be a girl."

"Why do you think that?" she asked.

"I don't know - just a feeling I have," he admitted.

"Hmm...any other feelings you have there, mister?" she teased.

"As a matter of fact, yes.  I have a feeling that married life is going to be incredible, and you and I will have a whole passel of kids and live happily ever after."

"Well, who am I to argue with my husband?" Rory said with a laugh.

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