Chapter 48

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Finn stared at Rory, his jaw dropped, as he wrapped his mind around what she'd just said.

"You're pregnant?" he whispered, unable to believe it.

"Yeah. I guess I forgot a couple of pills back when we were going through that rough spot. I'm so sorry, I promise it wasn't intentional," Rory said, not knowing exactly what to expect.

"How long have you known?"

"I suspected that I might be a couple of days ago and went out and bought a test yesterday. I took the test when I went to the restroom before we left the wedding. Actually, I took three - I wanted to make sure. I didn't want to tell you right before we walked into dinner with your parents and my mom," she explained.

"So we're going to be parents?" he asked, his face lighting up. She could see that he was starting to get excited now.

"It certainly appears that way. Are you okay with this?" Rory whispered. She had no idea what to expect from Finn. Finn pulled her closer to him and kissed her passionately, and soon she felt his tears on her cheeks. "Are you okay, baby? You're worrying me."

"I'm - I don't even know if there are words, Ror. It all feels surreal. Just a few weeks ago I was telling you about my child I'd never known, and now I find out that my wife and I are expecting. It's the most amazing thing in the world. I mean, a little bit of you and a little bit of me," he said softly as he gazed at her lovingly. "What about you? How are you feeling about this? I know it wasn't in your plans yet."

"I'm actually really excited. I was there in the bathroom waiting on time to be up so I could check the results, and I suddenly realized that I would be devastated if it was negative. After thinking that I might be pregnant for a couple of days, I'd come to really hope that I was," she answered.

"So, we'll have a little one in our arms in about nine months or so?"

"According to the online due date calculators, I would be due around September 21st," she said with a smile.

"Wow. Well then, I think we should definitely focus on finding a home - somewhere better for raising a child. We also need to make an appointment for you to see the doctor, and start planning a nursery," he said, getting caught up in the excitement of this new little life on the way.

"Take a deep breath there, baby. We have over eight months to get everything done. Right now, the only thing I want to do is curl up in my husband's arms and fall asleep at the end of our perfect day," she said as she yawned.

"Has our wedding day worn you out?" Finn smirked, thinking of their previous love making.

"Our wedding day and the littlest Morgan. I've always heard that the first trimester of pregnancy was exhausting, but I didn't believe it until now."

"Well then, let's sleep, my love," Finn whispered, wrapping his arms around her. "I guess we're going to have quite the shocking news to share with everyone when we get home, huh? I mean, we're gone for two weeks and we're coming home having gotten engaged and married and expecting a baby."

"What do you think they'll say?" Rory asked as she yawned and curled up with her head on his chest.

"I think they're going to be shocked that we eloped, and thrilled to bits that they'll all have a new little one around to love and spoil rotten. Our baby will be part of the next generation of the Life and Death Brigade, you know."

"I'm not sure the world is ready for another generation of the three musketeers," Rory teased as she yawned.

"Well, maybe we'll have a girl. I can't imagine having a son who acted like I used to," Finn said with a laugh.

"I hate to burst your bubble, dear, but if we have a girl you'll spend the rest of your life trying to protect her from guys like you," she joked.

"Oh...oh no. No, that will never do. I know exactly what guys like me are up to. No, no, no. If we have a daughter, we'll have to move to Siberia and lock her up until she's forty to protect her from guys like me," Finn rambled, obviously agitated.

"Don't you think that's overkill, Finn? I think we can manage to protect her without moving across the world or building any moats."

"I have a whole new respect for the parents of the girls I dated. I don't know how they didn't kill me," Finn chuckled.

"It must have been your exotic charm. I'm glad they didn't, though - I'm quite fond of you. I wouldn't be married or pregnant right now if they'd exacted their revenge. So, am I correct in assuming that you want a boy, given this new revelation you've had?" she asked with a smile.

"You know, as long as I have a healthy wife and a healthy baby, I'll be deliriously happy," he whispered, pulling her closer and running his hands up and down her back absentmindedly.

"You know, I think I agree. This pregnancy wasn't planned, but as long as we have our little bundle of joy here safe and sound, I'll be thrilled."

"I really do want to start looking at homes as soon as we get home, though, Love. I'd much prefer to raise our family in someplace more well-suited to kids and playing in the backyard. Maybe somewhere with four bedrooms?" he asked.

"Four? How many times are you planning on getting me pregnant?" Rory asked with a laugh.

"Well, considering just how sexy my wife is and how I can't keep my hands off of her, I'm thinking as many times as she'll let me. Hell, we can have a whole football team if you want."

"Let's start with two or three and we'll go from there."

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