Chapter 6

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Finn couldn't help but chuckle at Rory's reaction to him standing in her hotel room door.  It was refreshing for a woman to appreciate jeans and a pullover as much as a suit and tie, and that was even more true of a woman like Rory Gilmore.  She fit in with the society lifestyle when it was needed, always a perfect picture of grace and class, but that wasn't who she truly was at heart, and that just made her even more attractive to him. 

He was pleasantly surprised when Rory took his offered hand and couldn't deny the effect that her simple touch had on his body.  He felt as though his senses were all on high alert at this new sensation.  Shit!  He was pining hopelessly, and that was not something he was accustomed to.

He pressed the button for the top floor of the hotel after putting his access key in turned to face Rory.

"How was your day, love?" he asked.

"It was good.  I had some down time today to call home and read, which was really nice.  It's actually nice to be in one place for an entire week; that seems to happen so infrequently.  How was your day?"

"It was busy but uneventful, which is exactly what I hoped for.  Things are going smoothly here, much to my relief," Finn answered as he stepped off the elevator and lead Rory down the hall.  Rory stopped suddenly at seeing the Secret Service agents standing outside the door at the end of the hall.

"Finn, is that...are you staying on the same floor as Senator Obama?"

"Well, he has to stay somewhere, doesn't he?" Finn chuckled.  "Yes, kitten.  That's why I came down to get you; you'd never manage to get up here otherwise with security being so tight," he answered as he pulled her to the side of the hall and slid the key card in the door to his suite.  He ushered Rory inside, closing the door behind them, and pulling her to a stop in front of him before placing his hands over her eyes.

"Finn, what are you doing?" she asked as her hands came up to meet his.

"Just enjoying surprising you a little, love.  You said it's been months since you've had a movie night, so I thought we'd do it up right," he answered as he steered her through the doorway into the living room and turning her around so she was facing away from the couch and coffee table so he could see her reaction to the movie night setup he'd managed.  "Alright, here you go," he said as he took his hands off of her eyes and placed his hands on her shoulders, turning her around to see the coffee table full of food.  Her eyes lit up as she stood speechless for a full minute.

"  Finn, how did you know?" she finally asked with watery eyes.  There was Chinese food, a pizza, Red Vines, Mallomars, marshmallows, Pop-Tarts, and a full pot of coffee sitting on the table.

"You'd be surprised what I remember about you from college, pet.  We all came over for many movie nights; that's why I asked you this morning if movie nights were still the same," he replied softly, looking in her beautiful eyes.

Rory threw herself into his arms for the second time in as many days, and he wrapped his arms around her petite frame, savoring her unique scent and the feel of having her in his arms.  As she slowly stepped away from him and looked up, he noticed tears in her eyes.

"Are you alright, kitten?" he asked, his voice laced with concern, as he lead her over to the couch.

"I'm great, Finn, I promise.  It's just...I miss home so much, and you doing this is so incredibly sweet.  Having this makes me feel closer to home; it makes me feel like I can make it through these last two months," she replied as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

Finn's heart simultaneously broke for Rory's missing home and swelled with happiness that he was able to do something that obviously meant so much to her.  He sat down and pulled her down onto his lap, enveloping her in his arms and letting her cry a few more tears before she pulled herself back together.  Drying the last of her tears, she looked up at him through her wet eyelashes, and it melted his heart.

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