Chapter 26

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Rory and Finn had snuggled up on the couch and watched a couple of movies when the flight took off, and she soon fell asleep after the third movie.  He let her sleep cuddled up to him knowing that it was quite a long flight and she was exhausted from the past few days.  When the pilot let Finn know that they would be landing soon he began trying to gently rouse his sleeping girlfriend.  She slowly stirred and woke up as he whispered sweet nothings in her ear and kissed her cheeks, forehead and lips.

"We're here, love," Finn told her as she opened her eyes.

"How long did I sleep?" Rory asked as she yawned and stretched. 

"A while, love," Finn chuckled.  "It's been a long week; you needed it.  We'll be landing any minute."

"Good, I'm starving," Rory replied.

"We'll stop to eat soon.  Now, are you ready to look out the window and see where we are?"

"Yes!" Rory exclaimed excitedly.  She looked out the windows of the plane.  "I see the ocean and the beach and a city..."

"Yes?" Finn prodded.

"But I have no idea where they are," Rory laughed.

"Welcome to my homeland, kitten.  We're landing in Sydney.  I have a house on the beach, and Morgan Holdings has an office here just in case either of us needs to go to the office for anything."

"Oh my gosh, I've always wanted to go to Australia, Finn!" Rory squealed as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.  "I can't believe I'm actually here!"

"I can't believe that you haven't asked where we were going since we were sitting at the Dragonfly," Finn chuckled.  "You're not exactly known for your patience or for letting someone else hold all of the secrets."

"Well, you bring out the patient, trusting side of me," Rory beamed.

"I'm glad to know it, love.  Shall we?" Finn asked as the jet taxied to a stop.

"Let's go!" Rory commanded.  They gathered their carryons and disembarked the jet, meeting a waiting town car.  As soon as the luggage was placed in the trunk they were off.

"There's a great little dive with the best fish and chips just a few blocks from my beach house.  Does that sound okay?"

"That sounds amazing."

Rory exclaimed happily over the sights during the short drive to Finn's neighborhood, and their driver dropped Rory and Finn off for lunch before dropping off their luggage at Finn's house.  Rory and Finn enjoyed a relaxed lunch of fish and chips with a pint of Foster's, happily free from the paparazzi.  It was such a refreshing change of pace.  Rory could already feel herself relaxing with the change of scenery.  The little dive that they were at was right on the beach, and they had chosen to sit outside on the deck.  Rory breathed in the salty air and sighed in contentment.  They walked down the beach to Finn's house and Rory gasped as she saw the property.  It was a beautiful bungalow with a deck that opened onto a private beach.  The white bungalow had blue shutters and a red door.  It just oozed warmth and relaxation. 

"There's furniture that goes on the back patio in the garage that I'll get set out after we get inside.  It's the perfect place for a meal or just to relax in the hammock."

"It's gorgeous, Finn.  I can't believe that this is yours.  I don't think I would ever go back to New York if I were you," Rory gushed.

"I do love spending time here.  I try to come several times a year and usually spend a month or two of the American winter here.  Mum and Dad do as well; that's why we have offices here."

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