Chapter 23

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Rory and Finn awoke back at the Dragonfly on Friday morning, both still tired from the previous evening.  They had celebrated Rory's birthday in grand Stars Hollow fashion with a party in the town square.  The entire town had shown up to celebrate Rory turning 25.  The night was filled with friends, neighbors, laughter, enough alcohol to serve the entire Life and Death Brigade, and the sounds of Hep Alien playing on the makeshift stage in front of the gazebo.  It had been a wonderfully fun night.  Finn had interacted with the people of Stars Hollow with ease, quickly earning acceptance from the residents of the quirky hamlet. 

They had decided earlier in the week to enjoy a decidedly relaxed and quiet Friday morning and afternoon, knowing that Friday evening was going to be crazy with the society hoopla that went with a double heiress turning 25.  Rory's family had always done their best to keep her out of the media spotlight, but her reprieve would end tonight when it was announced that she was the Hayden heiress.  Most people had assumed that it would be Chris or Gigi, but after they had finally reconciled Francine had decided to name Rory as their successor.

"Good morning, love," Finn whispered huskily as he pulled her closer to him and kissed her.

"Morning, baby.  You know, spending an entire week with you spoils me.  I'm not going to know what to do next week when I have to go back to work without you," Rory replied as she nuzzled his neck contentedly.

"Me either, love, but we're down to just a few weeks left and then you'll be in the City with me.  Are you ready for tonight?"

"I'm ready as I'm going to be," Rory sighed.  "I don't know how you deal with the craziness that comes with being an heir to a multi-billion dollar corporation."

"I'll be there every step of the way, Ror.  You won't have to do any of this by yourself, okay?"

"Thank you, Finn.  I don't know what I would do without you in my life.  I know it's only been a month, but in some ways I can't remember life before you."

"I feel the same way, kitten.  Now, let's go hop in the shower together and then we'll go grab breakfast downstairs.  I hear Sookie has something delicious planned for you.  This entire day is all about you relaxing."

"Well, when you put it that way, who am I to argue?  You know, there is that one thing that you do quite well that makes me feel quite relaxed..." Rory trailed off as she got up and walked to the bathroom, throwing a wink over her shoulder.

"I'm at your service, doll," Finn smirked as he followed her into the bathroom. 

Neither one seemed to be able to get enough of the other one, and he loved it that way.  He loved spending every possible moment with the amazing woman standing in the shower waiting for him, whether they were talking over a cup of coffee, she was writing a story, or they were doing something that would undoubtedly merit a "dirty" from Lorelai.  She had intrigued him for years, and he couldn't help but feel as though he would never retrieve his heart from Rory Gilmore.  Strangely enough, that thought brought him nothing but immense happiness and peace.  If this was what it felt like to begin falling in love, sign him up.

The couple emerged in the dining room an hour later, relaxed, happy and completely satisfied by their morning romp in the shower.  Sookie had prepared a feast for the morning, making bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes, waffles and hash browns, along with copious amounts of coffee.  Neither Finn nor Rory saw Sookie and Lorelai watching them as they ate breakfast together. 

"She looks really happy, Lor," Sookie observed.

"She is, Sook.  I've never seen her like this."

"What do you think of the Aussie?" Sookie asked.

"He's great for her.  He takes such good care of her, and she actually lets him.  It seemed to bother her with other guys in the past, but she enjoys letting him do it.  I've never seen her so relaxed and content."

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