Chapter 35

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"Mom? Dad?" Finn called as he, Rory, Luke, and Lorelai walked into his parents' house that evening to celebrate Thanksgiving with the Morgan family.

"We're in the kitchen, dear!" Amelia called back.

Finn lead the way into the kitchen and warmly greeted his family.

"Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Mom and Dad, you know everyone but Lorelai's husband, Luke. Annabelle and Eva, this is my beautiful girlfriend, Rory, her mom, Lorelai, and her stepdad, Luke," he introduced the Gilmore-Danes clan. "And this is Annabelle and her husband, Greg, and Eva and her husband, Kyle."

"It's so nice to meet you all. I've heard so much about you from Finn," Rory replied warmly.

"And it's lovely to meet the woman who our brother has fallen head-over-heels for for," Annabelle replied with a sincere smile. "Finn, you told us she was gorgeous, but I still don't think your description did her justice."

Rory blushed and buried her head in Finn's chest.

"Aw, and she really is adorable when she blushes!" Eva squealed happily.

"I told you that she was," Finn chuckled.

"Finnegan and Amelia, thank you again for inviting us to spend Thanksgiving with your family," Lorelai jumped in, hoping to save her daughter from permanently turning a lovely shade of red.

"Oh, we're just so thrilled that you could come! We consider you all to be family," Amelia winked.

"We certainly appreciate how welcoming and kind you've been to all of us," Lorelai continued.

"It appears that dinner is ready - shall we all go sit down?" Amelia asked.

The group filed into the dining room and took their seats at the table. They all filled their plates and Finnegan offered a toast.

"To many more holidays with our extended family who we love like our own," he offered with a wink towards Rory.

"To family," they all replied, clinking glasses and sipping their wine.

Rory blushed and leaned over to Finn.

"Do your parents really think of me as family?" she whispered, grateful the the other conversations going on around the room so she wasn't heard.

"They do," Finn replied quietly.


"Your mom thinks of me as family. In fact, if I recall correctly, she wants to make me her son-in-law," he teased.

"I still say it's frightening that you and my mom get along so well," she chuckled.

"And I say my family would disown me and adopt you if I ever let you go," Finn countered.

"Well then, I guess you'll just have to keep me around," Rory replied with a smile.

"I'm thinking forever would be perfect," Finn whispered in her ear, his words taking her by surprise.

Rory put her fork down and looked at Finn.

"You're serious?" she asked hopefully.

"Well, I'm not asking right now - when I do propose it will be a moment to remember - but yeah, I'm serious," he replied sincerely.

Unable to find words to express what she was feeling, she simply leaned over and hugged Finn tightly. He smiled and kissed her tenderly.

"I'm guessing that would be okay with you?" he whispered.

"More than okay," she replied, tears welling up in her eyes. It may have only been about three months, but she'd never been so certain of anything in her life.

Finn kissed her forehead and cheeks and then captured her lips again, both completely oblivious to the stares of everyone else at the table.

"I think we just missed a moment," Amelia teased, causing Rory to blush more deeply.

"Care to share with the class?" Lorelai asked.

"Actually, I don't," Rory giggled, leaning further into Finn's embrace and snuggling into his chest.

"Oh my god, you were right about them, Mom and Dad! They're perfect together. I didn't think I would ever see my little brother like this!" Annabelle chuckled.

"Well, I didn't think I'd ever get a chance with a woman like this," Finn replied warmly.

The group returned to their Thanksgiving dinner and lively conversation, and before Finn knew it they were saying goodbye at the front door.

"Rory, dear, the girls and I are going Black Friday shopping tomorrow morning. We would love for you to join us," Amelia offered.

"Actually, that would be great," Rory accepted graciously. "What time?"

"We'll pick you up at 8:00. We may love Black Friday, but we don't stand in line all night or leave too early."

"Smart women!" Rory chuckled. "That would be great. I'll see you guys in the morning."

Rory turned to Finn. "I'm going to walk my mom and Luke out. I'll meet you at the car?" Rory asked.

"Of course, kitten," Finn replied.

Rory walked out the door with Lorelai and Luke and Finn found himself surrounded by his family, each of them looking at him expectantly.

"You three better be nice to my girl tomorrow," Finn admonished his mom and sisters.

"Oh, Finn. You know we love her!" his mother replied.

"Still...don't scare her off. I'd like to keep her around," he admitted.

"Oh, our little brother has found his lobster!" Eva squealed happily, clapping her hands and jumping up and down with Annabelle.

"You two are ridiculous," Finn chuckled.

"Are you saying we're wrong?" Annabelle pressed.

"No, I'm not saying that at all," Finn said sheepishly.

"Oh my gosh!" Eva exclaimed. "I knew it from the way you talk about her!"

"And again, please try not to scare her off tomorrow," he repeated.

"Oh please, that girl would marry you in a heartbeat if you asked her," Annabelle argued.

"I know," Finn replied with a broad grin.

"Oh my god, is that what you guys were being so mushy over?! It is, isn't it? Did you ask her to marry you?" Eva gushed.

"No, I did not ask her to marry me, but we were discussing forever," Finn replied evasively.

"And?" Annabelle asked.

"And there will be one," Finn grinned. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go home with my beautiful girlfriend."

"Stop right there; we don't want to know what happens after that," Eva ordered.

"No worries there, sis. I'll see you all tomorrow morning," Finn laughed. He turned to walk out the door and Finnegan put his hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Your grandmother's ring is in the safe; you just let me know when you'd like it," Finnegan said with a wink and a proud smile.

"Will do, Dad," Finn nodded.

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