Chapter 43

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At Finn's urging, Amelia whisked Rory away to go look for a wedding dress right after dinner. Rory tried to tell Finn that she didn't have to have an actual wedding dress, but he knew her well enough to know that she would regret getting married in anything else. He kissed her goodbye and sent her off in search of the perfect gown.

She and Amelia walked out to the car, and Rory had to admit that Amelia's excitement was contagious.

"I made a phone call before we left, and they can fit you in at Vera Wang, if that's okay? I'm certain that they'll have some great possibilities, and if you don't find anything there we can try some other places?" Amelia asked.

"Vera Wang? Wow, I've never even thought about wearing one of her dresses," Rory admitted.

"Well, we don't really take advantage of our status here, but they were delighted to have an opportunity to dress the newest member of the Morgan family for her wedding."

Rory looked up at her soon-to-be mother-in-law and smiled.

"I've always loved her dresses, and there's really no reason why I can't afford one. Let's go look," Rory said excitedly.

"That's the spirit, dear. You never know what you'll find, but you might as well get the perfect dress since money is no concern. You only get married once," Amelia reminded her. Rory thought about her Mom marrying and divorcing her Dad and then marrying Luke and couldn't help but laugh. She still knew she was right, though - Finn was it for her, and they'd fight to make it through anything that came their way.

They pulled up to Vera Wang and were immediately greeted when they walked in.

"Mrs. Morgan, lovely to see you. This must be your future daughter-in-law. I'm Madison, and I'll be helping you today," the consultant told them as soon as they walked in.

Rory turned to Amelia and smiled. She hadn't realized just how well-known Finn's family was here in Australia, although it made sense.

"Thank you so much for squeezing us in, Madison. This is Rory - the beautiful bride. She and my son will be getting married next week, so we'll need to view pieces you're willing to sell off the floor," Amelia replied.

"Of course, Mrs. Morgan. Follow me this way to our private area - I know you expressed some concerns over not wanting word to get out, so we'll be in our VIP bridal room today for complete privacy."

Amelia and Rory followed Madison through the store into a beautiful private sitting area. Rory could see the fitting room through the door on the other side of the room.

"So Rory, tell me a bit about yourself and your fiance?" Madison asked.

Rory smiled and took out her phone, unlocking it to show Madison a picture.

"I'm marrying Finn Morgan. I met him in college, but was dating one of his best friends. He and I ran into each other in Chicago earlier this year when we were both in the same place for our jobs, and we just hit it off. He's the most amazing man I've ever met, and I'm so excited to become his wife. We both work together for his family business now, and we live in New York City. We're both from very wealthy families, and we know that a wedding back in the States would quickly overwhelm us. We were talking about it yesterday, and we decided to get married here quietly and return home as husband and wife. I'm sure we'll have a reception at home too in order to pacify our families, so I'll most likely be wearing my wedding dress for that as well."

"Oh, that's such a sweet story! Have you tried on any wedding dresses yet?"

Rory laughed and shook her head.

"No, we just got engaged last night," she admitted sheepishly.

"Oh wow, that's amazing! Do you have any ideas of what you do or don't like in wedding dresses?" Madison asked.

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