Chapter 27

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Finn and Rory slept in on Monday, both enjoying the peace and quiet along with the change of pace from the previous week.  Finn had gotten in touch with his friends from down under and made plans for them all to come to his place that evening for a barbeque and bonfire on the beach.  They took a run together on the beach after breakfast and then spent the beginning of the afternoon getting things in order for the evening, purchasing food and alcohol for the night, and preparing to host the group before relaxing in the hammock together in the afternoon. 

"Something on your mind, kitten?" Finn asked as he held Rory in his arms.  She'd been quiet for the past couple of hours, and he could tell that something was bothering her.

"Not wrong, really.  I'm just...what if your friend don't like me?" she asked quietly.

"That's rubbish, love!  You are an amazing woman, and they will love you, if for no other reason then because you make me so incredibly happy, so don't you worry your pretty little head about that."

"I hope you're right, Finn."

"Ror, they're great people, and you'll fit right in, minus your cute little American accent," Finn reassured her.  "Now, I insist that you stop fretting over it."

"I'll do my best.  You know, you could always help distract me," she replied as she began kissing down his neck to his chest.

"Well, who am I to refuse my beautiful girlfriend when she's in need of my assistance," Finn returned as he picked her up and carried her back into the house and up the stairs to his bedroom.

"You are the best...distraction I've ever had," Rory told Finn with a blush as they laid back on the bed and willed their heart rates and breathing to return to normal an hour later.

"Trust me, love, the feeling is quite mutual," Finn chuckled.  "I am one very happy, very satisfied man."


"Why do you sound so surprised, Ror?"

"Well, I'm not exactly experienced, comparatively.  Other than you there have been two men."

"Experience has nothing to do with it, love.  You are amazing, in every way.  You need to see what I see in you," Finn told her as he stood up, scooped her up in his arms and set her on her feet in his bathroom in front of the mirror, him standing behind her.

"Finn, what are we doing?!" Rory asked as she began trying to turn away from the mirror.

"Nuh-uh, Rory," he told her, wrapping his arms around her to hold her in place.  "I want you to look in that mirror.  I don't know what you see, but I see the most piercing, gorgeous eyes I've ever seen in my entire life, an incredibly sexy body.  I love your curves and the little freckles on your shoulders.  I love the way your body fits with mine.  I love your gorgeous chestnut locks that I get to run my fingers through.  I love how incredibly intelligent and witty you are.  There's not one thing about you that should make you feel insecure, Ror.  You're bloody amazing, inside and out.  Turn around here and look at me," he commanded.  He waited for her to do as he told her before pulling her close, looking her in the eyes and continuing.  "You are hands-down the most amazing woman I've ever met, Rory.  I count myself as the luckiest man in the world that I get to be with you, okay?  So whatever you're thinking in that pretty little head of yours, stop it.  Do you trust me?"

"Absolutely, Finn," she replied without hesitation, tears brimming in her eyes as she really listened to what he he said.

"Then believe what I'm telling you, Rory, because it's true," he told her firmly.  I won't ever lie to you, love, unless of course it's for the sake of a happy surprise."

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