Chapter 21

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Rory watched with an overwhelming sense of pride and satisfaction as Finn and his dad handled the interview with ABC News with ease.  They were poised and prepared and it couldn't have gone any better from her perspective.  She had prepped them both in the car on the way to the studio and while they were waiting to go on, and everything had gone just as expected.

"You are amazing, kitten.  We couldn't have done this without you," Finn told her as they walked off of the set and took their mics packs off.

"Finn's right, Rory.  Thank you so much for all of your help with this today.  If it's not too much trouble, I would love for you to stop by the office tomorrow morning.  I'd love the opportunity to pick your brain about the direction you think we should go with our public and media relations; it will be good to get your perspective," Finnegan added.

"Are you sure?  I'm not really sure I'm qualified, but I would be more than happy to give my input.  I have an interview with the Times tomorrow at 1:00.  Would 10:00 work?"

"That would be perfect.  I'll have some other people there as well to hear what you have to say, if that's okay.  I'll let you guys get on with your evening, and I'll see you both tomorrow," Finnegan answered as he hugged his son and kissed Rory's cheek.

Finn and Rory bid his dad goodbye and walked the few blocks back to Finn's apartment to change for the evening.

"I can't believe your dad wants my input on business," Rory mused out loud as she and Finn walked through the City.

"Believe it, love.  You were incredible today; you earned the right to give that input," Finn beamed proudly.

"Well, I'm looking forward to it.  I'll do some brainstorming and have some ideas for him.  I really did enjoy myself today," she reiterated.

"I'm so glad, Ror," Finn replied as they entered his apartment building.  Rory curled her hair and touched up her makeup before changing into a gorgeous silver halter-style dress that was reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe's famous white dress and silver heels that made her legs look miles long.  She walked into the living room to find Finn there waiting for her after removing his jacket and tie and unbuttoning his top two buttons.

"I'm ready whenever you are," she told him as she entered the room.  Finn had been reading the newspaper and looked up when he heard her voice and gave a low whistle.

"Damn, kitten.  You look stunning.  I am absolutely certain that I will be the envy of every man who sees you tonight," Finn exclaimed appreciatively.

"Thank you," Rory said with a blush.  "Who all are we meeting tonight?"

"I'm not sure, honestly.  I know that Colin and Steph will be there.  I'm pretty certain that Rosemary, Juliet, Robert and Seth will also be there, and possibly Logan.  I think there may be a few more LDB members as well."

"How many of them know that we're dating?" Rory asked.

"Other than Colin and Steph and Logan, no one that I know of.  I don't really keep in contact with many of them, so they wouldn't have a way to know.  Why?"

"I'm just thinking that this could be fun," Rory smirked.

"I like the way you think, love.  Now, let's grab dinner before we meet everyone.  I need to show off my gorgeous girlfriend."

Finn led Rory out to a waiting town car and they continued chatting about their week on the way to the restaurant.  Finn insisted that he was taking her shopping for a new dress for the society gala birthday party despite Rory's objections and she finally relented just as they pulled up to the restaurant.  Finn didn't miss the obvious appreciating looks toward his girlfriend as they walked into the restaurant, but Rory was completely oblivious to the effect that she had on men.  Finn wondered to himself how in the world such a gorgeous woman could be so unaware of her beauty.

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