Chapter 14

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Finn pulled Rory aside in the hotel lobby as Colin and Logan walked out the hotel door. 

"Are you okay, love?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Finn.  I just...I don't know how to act around him.  I don't want to upset him more, but I don't want to act any differently with you either.  Does that sound crazy?"

"It doesn't sound crazy at all.  I told him that we wouldn't flaunt our relationship, but that we also wouldn't hide it.  He's going to have to get used to us, so just be yourself and let him adjust to the idea."

"Okay," Rory said as she reached up and kissed Finn sweetly.

Finn took her hand in his and they walked out to the sidewalk to join up with the remaining two  musketeers. 

"There's a pizza place a couple of blocks down that looks good," Finn stated, and the other three nodded their agreement. 

They proceeded down the street silently, each lost in their own thoughts regarding the events of the last twenty-four hours.  They were seated quickly at a small booth in a quiet corner of the pizza place and began talking hesitantly.

"So, Reporter Girl," Colin began, "tell us all about what you've been up to since we last saw you.  Are you enjoying writing on the campaign trail?"

"I really am," Rory answered.  "It's been a great experience.  I've started to make a name for myself and have even gotten a few job offers for after the election.  A few of my articles have been syndicated, so that's been exciting, and that's really all I've had time for in my life since graduation, at least until I ran into this guy last week," Rory said as she nudged Finn and winked at him.

"I always knew you'd do well, Ace," Logan said wistfully.

"Um, thanks, Logan.  So, Finn caught me up on what's going on with you guys last week.  Congratulations on your engagement, Colin.  I would love to talk with Steph again, if she wanted to talk to me."

"She would love that.  I'll give her your number when I get back home and have her call you, and Finn can give you her number as well.  We'd love for you to come to our engagement party in December.  I mean, I'm sure that Finn will bring you as his date, but really, we would love for you to come," Colin replied.

"I'll definitely make sure that I'm there," Rory answered to Colin.  "Do you have all the details, Finn?" she asked as she turned her attention to her boyfriend.

"I do, kitten.  I'll get them to you tonight when we get back to the hotel," Finn replied as he put his arm around her and pulled her close.  She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, leaning into his chest.

The waiter came at this point and dropped off their beers and took their pizza orders.  As soon as the waiter walked away Logan excused himself to the restroom.

"This is weird," Rory said quietly.

"It is, but he has to get used to it, love," Finn soothed as he gave her a light kiss on the lips.

"Colin, thank you so much for coming with Finn today.  I was so relieved to see you guys walk in the room."

"No need for thanks, Reporter Girl.  We've all missed having you around since you graduated.  It will be great to have you back in our lives."

"Well, it will be great for most of you," Rory chuckled.  "I'm not so sure about Logan."

"Don't let him get to you, Ror.  This isn't your problem; he needs to straighten out his own life," Finn replied.

"I know, sweetheart," Rory replied quietly.

"I know I've been spending too much time with my fiance when I say this, but you two look really happy," Colin said.

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