Chapter 32

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Rory and Finn enjoyed a quiet breakfast together Saturday morning while waiting for Lorelai to arrive.  Finn had insisted on sending a car for her so she didn't have to drive in New York City.  They had spent Friday unpacking the rest of Rory's things, going grocery shopping, and relaxing together.  It was a very odd but welcome experience for Rory, being able to do normal things and having Finn with her for them.  She hadn't gone grocery shopping since she'd lived in Stars Hollow, and even then it wasn't for her own home.  It was a huge change to have a home to come back to every night and adult responsibilities, but she had a feeling that she was going to like it very much. 

Lorelai arrived a little after 10:00 that morning, making a true Lorelai Gilmore entrance while ranting about New York traffic and raving over Finn and Rory's beautiful apartment.  After showing her around, the girls were off for a day of shopping, food and mother-daughter bonding in New York.  The minute they were out the door, Finn snuck out of their apartment for his well-kept secret.

He arrived at the office quickly and took in the progress on Rory's new office.  He wanted her to love the space, so his mom had helped him with the secret office makeover.  He'd worked with Lorelai to provide his mom pictures of what Rory loved and she'd made arrangements to have the office painted and the furniture that she and Finn had picked out together via e-mail delivered while they were out of the country.  He'd also had all of the decor and office supplies he picked out delivered.  Now he just needed a few hours to arrange and decorate things like he wanted.  He had only been looking around the office for a minute when the elevator dinged and his parents walked into Rory's office.  When he'd told them about what he wanted to do for Rory they had been excited and insisted on helping.

"Mom, Dad!" Finn greeted his parents as they walked in and he hugged them.  "Thank you guys so much for all of your help.  I'm excited to finish today."

"We're happy to do it, son.  Now, tell us all about your trip to Australia while we help you," Finnegan replied warmly.  For the next few hours, Finn and his parents worked hard on rearranging furniture, hanging photos and curtains, placing knicknacks, and placing the other items Finn had purchased for Rory's office.  Finn took a quick break when his phone rang.

"Hey there, love," he answered softly.

"Hey, baby.  Mom and I are all shopped out and headed home.  I know you'd mentioned possibly going into the office while I was gone.  Are you home?"

"No, I'm in the office.  Why don't you and your mom come meet me up here and you can show her your new office?"

"Ooh, that's a great idea!  I really want to redecorate it at some point, and I'm sure she would love to help.  I'm not much of one for plain white walls," Rory lamented.  Finn had to fight the urge to laugh.

"Great idea, kitten.  Why don't you guys go ahead and head up here?  Just call me when you get here and I'll come let you in since you don't have your keys and security badge yet."

"Sounds great.  I'll see you shortly.  Love you."

"Love you, too, Ror," Finn answered quietly, but apparently not so quietly that his parents couldn't hear him.

"So it's getting serious," Amelia asked hopefully after Finn had hung up the phone.

"Define serious," Finn chuckled.

"You love her?" she asked.

"Very much so."

"And you two are living together?"

"We are," Finn answered.

"And how does she feel about you?"

"She loves me," Finn said, suddenly blushing a bit.  "When we first started dating, I asked her where home was since she was on the campaign bus, and she told me she didn't know.  On the beach in Australia, she told me that she'd figured it out, the her home was with me."

"Oh, Finny!  You don't know this, but that's what I told your dad back when we were dating.  He was faced with possibly having to move, and he asked me if I would ever consider leaving home.  I told him that home was wherever he was." Amelia exclaimed, hugging her son happily.  "She's good for you, son."

"She really is, Mom.  I could see myself marrying her someday," Finn admitted for the first time.

"Your mom and I would certainly be delighted to welcome her to the family someday down the road, son," Finnegan added.

"Perhaps your mom and I could take the three of you out to dinner tonight?  We would love to get to know Rory and Lorelai better," Finnegan asked just before Finn's phone rang.

"That would be great, Dad," Finn answered as he left the room and got in the elevator to go meet Lorelai and Rory in front of the building.  He led them back into the elevator and steered them to Rory's office.  The door was closed so she couldn't see her surprise until they got into her office.  Finn opened the door and stood back, watching her expression change to shock and a huge smile come across her face.

"Wow...this is...what!" Rory breathed out.

"You don't say, kitten?" Finn chuckled.

"Did you do this?" she asked him.

"We all had a part in it.  Your mom supplied the ideas for what you like, my mom and I picked out the furniture and paint color, she hired the painters, and Mom and Dad helped me finish everything up today," Finn beamed.

"Thank you all so, so much," Rory stammered.  "This is...this is incredible!  I wouldn't change a thing." 

She turned to take in the entire office.  The walls were a beautiful ocean blue with white crown molding.  The new furniture was a beautiful mahogany with clean lines.  The curtains were a beautiful navy and grey Moroccan pattern, and there was a coordinating plush rug on the floor.  There were photos of her family and friends hanging on the walls and on the bookshelves, including many of her and Finn.  She recognized some souvenirs that must have come from their trip to Australia.  There was a small kangaroo, a coral reef snowglobe, and a small Australian flag.  From the early part of their relationship, there was a small canvas painting of the chicago skyline and a miniature carousel.  There was an iPhone docking and charging station with speakers on her desk along with a beautiful desk set that matched the office decor perfectly.  She opened her desk drawers to find that they had been fully stocked with her favorite ink pens, note pads, Post-Its, paper clips, and everything else she could possibly need.  In the corner of her office was a mini fridge already filled with coffee creamer and snacks, and near the fridge was her own coffee pot with a cabinet full of her favorite coffee.

Rory turned to look at the wall opposite her desk and her breath caught in her throat.  There was a stunning five-canvas print hanging on the wall.  The gorgeous colors from sunset on the beach contrasted beautifully with the blue on the walls.  The focal point was she and Finn cuddled together on the beach, looking out at the sunset.  The picture was taken from behind them, and it captured their time there perfectly.

"Finn..." she breathed, tears flooding her eyes.  "It's perfect."

"I wanted you to be able to remember that night," Finn replied softly as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.

"You are amazing, Finn.  I say that all the time, but...thank you.  I love you," she told him sincerely.  She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him softly.

"I love you, Ror, so very much," Finn replied.

The three adults watched the young couple standing in front of them and all had one thought.  Those two were perfect for each other, and there was no doubt that they had the kind of love that would last them a lifetime.

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