Chapter 5

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Finn picked up his phone for the sixth time in as many minutes, trying to talk himself into making this phone call.  Seeing Rory in the lobby this morning seemed to clarify in his mind that she potentially was interested in dating him, and he wanted to talk with Logan before approaching any conversation about a relationship with Rory.  He knew that it was the right thing to do, but it didn't make it any easier.  He couldn't help but think back to how heartbroken Logan had been when he and Rory had broken up, but it really appeared that he had moved on now.  With a deep breath, Finn scrolled through his contacts and hit the call button on his phone.

"Finn, man!  How's Chicago?  Ready to head back to the City yet?" came Logan's voice.

"Chicago's crazy, mate, or rather, the hotel is crazy with all of the campaign events we're hosting this week.  How's life at home?"

"Same as always.  Work, events, listening to my mother bug me incessantly about when I'm going to propose to Stacey.  It never ends."

"And how are things with the lovely Miss Fallon?" Finn asked.

"They're the same as they have been, Finn.  Frankly, I'm actually considering buying a ring.  She would make a good wife for a man in my position, and my parents would be ecstatic."

"Wow, I didn't realize that things had gotten that serious, mate.  Let me know when you pop the question and we'll all get together to celebrate."

"Will do, man.  Listen, I have a board meeting in ten minutes.  Did you need anything?"

"Actually, I did have a reason for calling.  Did you know that the lovely Miss Rory Gilmore is writing on the presidential campaign trail?" Finn asked.

"I actually did.  I'm the one who introduced her to Hugo.  Still, it's not every day that you call me to update me on my ex.  What's going on?"

"Well, I ran into her yesterday at the hotel and we had dinner last night to catch up.  I actually was considering asking her out on a date, mate, but I wanted to talk with you first.  I know we usually avoid dating a friend's ex, but I know you've moved on."

"Why Rory, Finn?  There's no shortage of women who would love the chance to go out with you."

"Why Rory?  Because it's Rory, mate.  You know her.  She's gorgeous, intelligent, witty, fun.  She's the whole package.  I actually had a crush on her in college, but obviously never said anything because you two were together.  When I ran into her yesterday it seemed like the time might be right to see if there's anything there."

"Wow.  I'm not sure what to say, man.  Don't get me wrong, a part of me will always love Rory, but I am with Stacey now.  I can't say that I'm thrilled about it, but I guess there's no real reason you can't pursue her.  Just treat her well, okay?  If anything, learn from my mistakes with her.  She deserves happiness.  You guys are two totally different people, but maybe that will be what makes it work."

"Thank you, mate.  I really appreciate you giving me your go ahead.  I promise to treat her right if she agrees to date me.  I'll let you get to your board meeting."

"Sounds good, Finn.  Let me know if she agrees to a date, and give me a warning if she'll be coming with you when we all get together, if you would.  I'll need to warn Stacey to prevent World War III."

"Will do, man.  See you next week."


Logan hung up in a daze.  Rory Gilmore.  It had been 16 months since he had seen her, since that fateful day that she turned down his proposal and he was stupid enough to give her an ultimatum.  She was without question the one who got away.  Not a week went by that he didn't compare his current relationship with Stacey with what he'd had with Rory.  Stacey would make a great society wife, falling easily into her role as a Shira Junior, but he couldn't think about marrying her without thinking about what could have been if Rory had accepted his proposal.  While Rory would never be a society wife, she would have been an amazing partner in life.  How brilliantly poetic that when he's finally considering proposing to Miss Good-Enough, Miss Perfect comes walking back into the life of one of his best friends.

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