Chapter 47

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Rory and Finn exited the elevator on the top floor of the Mayfair Hotel. They'd just had dinner with his parents and Lorelai, and now they were headed to their room to spend their first night together at husband and wife. He unlocked the door to their suite and then stopped her.

"Wait right there, Mrs. Morgan. I do believe I get to carry you over the threshold," he said with a smirk. He bent and picked her up and carried her into their room, kicking the door shut behind him. He set her back on her feet and took her in his arms, kissing her hungrily as he relished the feel of having her in his arms.

"Today has been absolutely perfect," Rory whispered in between kisses. "I love you so much, baby."

"I love you, Kitten. Now, I have a little gift for you," Finn said proudly, walking over to the couch to find the bag that he'd had delivered to their room.

"A gift? You already did too much," Rory protested, reaching up to the touch the gorgeous necklace he'd given her for a wedding gift.

"Well, this one is more of a sentimental gift," he said, handing the bag to her.

She opened the bag and gasped when she saw what was inside. "This did you even get this, Finn?" she asked as she took out the book she'd been looking at earlier today.

"Well, money talks. There's more - look inside the front cover," he said.

She opened the cover and tears came to her eyes as she read the words he'd written inside the book.

My dearest Rory,

On our wedding day, I want to tell you how grateful I am for our Unexpected Love. You have shown me what love means, and I am so excited for us to share forever together. Thank you for being my love, my best friend, my one and only. I can't wait to love you every day for the rest of my life.

Always yours,


Rory sat the book down and ran into Finn's arms, hugging him tightly. "It's beautiful - thank you," she whispered.

"You're beautiful, and you're my wife," Finn replied softly, running his fingers down her arms. "I don't know if I've mentioned this, but you look...well, there aren't really words to describe how you look. Stunning, ravishing, gorgeous, sexy, perfect," he said with a smile.

"Thank you. I wanted to look perfect for you, and your mom and I instantly knew that this was the dress. You look incredible yourself, mister. There aren't many men in the world who can wear a suit as well as my husband can," replied Rory. "I still can't believe that we did it - we're married."

"That we are, Ror. You're my wife...honestly, I didn't ever think I'd want a wife until you came along, but you...well, I couldn't imagine anything better than making you my wife."

"Well, I'm glad you changed your mind. I didn't even have to twist your arm," Rory said with a laugh.

"Hell no, you didn't. I'd be a damn fool not to marry you. I had to hurry up and get you down the aisle before you changed your mind," Finn chuckled.

"Never gonna happen, baby," Rory whispered, shaking her head. She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed her husband - her husband! It was still sinking in. "You know, Mr. Morgan, you could see what I have on under this dress and we could make this marriage official," she offered, and then she started kissing up his neck.

"You don't have to ask me twice, Mrs. Morgan," Finn whispered. He looked down at the beautiful woman standing in front of him - his bride - and swallowed hard. He wasn't the type to get emotional easily, but this moment was everything to him. He took Rory into his arms and kissed her soundly and then reached back and unzipped her wedding dress. She slid her arms out of the dress and let it slide down to the floor and he gulped hard as his mouth went dry - apparently there was nothing under the wedding dress.

"You've been wearing...that all day?" Finn asked, his eyes darkened and his jaw dropped at the sight of his wife standing in front of him.

"Yup, just waiting for this moment right here," Rory said seductively.

Finn snapped out of his trance and moved toward Rory. He wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up, kissing her as he moved toward the bedroom. She kicked off her heels as soon as Finn sat her down on the bed and smiled up at him.

"You know, the thought occurs to me that you're wearing far too much for my taste right now. As nice as this looks, it all needs to go," Rory whispered. She slid his jacket off his arms and then pulled his tie over his head before going to work on the buttons on his shirt. She kissed down his chest, appreciating just how gorgeous her husband looked without a shirt. Finally, she moved to his belt and pants as he kicked off his shoes and socks, and they finally fell into bed together.

"I do believe I get to make love to you now, Mrs. Morgan," Finn whispered, moving his hands down her beautiful curves.

"Please, Finn," she begged, crazy from the anticipation of their wedding night.

"Anything you want, baby." They lost themselves in making love for the first time as husband and wife - an act that was so familiar but seemed so much more intimate now that they were married. After they were both happily satisfied, they laid there together in bed. Rory's head was on Finn's chest, and he was running his hands down her back, enjoying the feel of her bare skin.

"I love you, Ror," he whispered.

"I love you, too," she whispered. She took a deep breath and decided now was the time.



"I'm pregnant."

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