Chapter 11

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"Rory," Finn whispered in her ear Saturday morning.  "You have to get ready to leave, love."

"But I don't want to," Rory mumbled as she burrowed further into Finn's chest.

"I know, kitten.  I don't want you to either, but we don't have a choice."

"Fine," Rory pouted.  "I'll get up, but only if you join me in the shower."

"You don't have to ask me twice," Finn chuckled as he pulled her out of bed and toward the bathroom. 

They emerged from the bathroom 45 minutes later, both smiling despite the lingering sense of dread over Rory leaving in an hour.  She crossed the bedroom to her suitcase, digging through her t-shirts, when Finn threw her a shirt and a hoodie. 

"Why are you throwing your clothes at me, dear?" she asked with a laugh.

"Because those are for you to take with you.  You can wear them when you miss me."

"Aw, you're so sweet!  Well, in that case, I'm wearing them today," Rory replied as she pulled on her jeans and Finn's soft grey t-shirt.

She quickly dried her hair and threw it in a ponytail and then packed the rest of her bags, checking the room to make sure she hadn't left anything.

"I guess that's it," she said sadly.

"We've still got half an hour until you have to be at the bus.  Let's drop your luggage in my office and go next door to get you some coffee and breakfast and enjoy that last thirty minutes together," Finn said as he grabbed her suitcase and messenger bag.

"You're right, I don't want to waste it by pouting.  Let's go," she replied as she took his hand and grabbed her purse.

They stashed her luggage and walked to the cafe next door, ordering coffee and a quick breakfast.  As they sat down at their table to eat Rory broke the silence.

"So, when are you headed back to New York?"

"Actually, I'll grab my bags after I see you off and head straight to the airport to leave.  I had originally planned to go home yesterday morning, but I got a better offer," Finn said with a wink.

"I'm so glad that I'm a better offer than New York!" Rory said with a giggle.

"Where are you sending resumes for after the campaign, love?"

"I have a standing job offer in DC.  I'm focusing mostly in the Connecticut and New York areas.  I don't want to be too far from Stars Hollow; I feel like I've hardly been home at all the last couple of years.  I'd like to be within easy driving distance."

"You know, New York does have its perks," Finn mused.

"Is that so, Mr. Morgan?"

"Indeed, it is.  I hear there's a man there who would love to spend more time with you."

"Hmm... I might just love to spend more time with him, too," Rory teased.

Finn sighed and looked at his watch. 

"It's time, kitten."

"Alright, I guess I might as well quit dragging my feet and get it over with," she replied as she picked up her to-go coffee and took his hand to walk back to the hotel.  They retrieved her bags from the office and walked to the loading area in silence.  Finn stowed her suitcase beneath the bus and then pulled her close to him, wrapping her in his arms.

"I know I sound crazy since it's been less than a week, but I'm going to miss you, Ror."

"I'm going to miss you too, Finn, so if you sound crazy so do I," Rory replied with a soft laugh.

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