Chapter 19

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"Mom!" Rory squealed as she flew out the door of the rental car and through the yard to meet her mom's waiting arms.

"Daughter!" Lorelai yelled back with a laugh and she ran to meet her daughter.

Finn laughed as he watched the exuberant reunion between his girlfriend and her mom in the yard of the Crap Shack.  They had landed in Hartford, gotten their rental car and driven straight to Stars Hollow.  He walked over to the hugging pair as they broke their embrace.

"How's my favorite Aussie?" Lorelai asked as she hugged Finn.

"I'm great, Lorelai.  I'm happy to be here with you guys this week," Finn replied with a chuckle.

"You're always welcome here at the Crap Shack, Finn.  Are you guys hungry?" Lorelai asked looking at Rory and Finn.

"Starving!" Rory replied with a giggle. 

"Luke's?" Lorelai asked.

"Yes, it's been so long!  Is that okay with you, Finn?" Rory asked as she turned to Finn with her doe-eyed pleading look.

"Save that look for sometime when you actually need it, Ror," Finn said with a laugh.  "Luke's sounds great.  I'm excited to get to try his food and meet him."

The three walked to Luke's, laughing and talking along the way.  The ringing of Rory's phone broke them from their revelry.

"Huh, it's an unknown number," Rory mused as she looked at her phone.  She stopped walking right outside the diner to answer it, her mom and Finn stopping with her to listen to her side of the conversation.

"Rory Gilmore," she answered, pausing to hear the caller.

"Yes ma'am, I did."

"Oh wow, that's amazing.  Of course I'm still interested."

"Wednesday at 1:00?  Yes, that would be perfect."

"Thank you so much.  I look forward to meeting you Wednesday," Rory said in shock as she hung up her phone.

Lorelai and Finn watched as she stood there awestruck for a moment, not saying anything, and then she finally started jumping up and down screaming.

"Is everything okay, sweets?" Lorelai asked.

"No, everything is freaking fabulous!" Rory squealed.  "That was the New York Times.  The New York Times!  I have an interview with them on Wednesday!"

"That's the dream!" Lorelai squealed back as she joined Rory in her dancing and celebrating.

"I'm so proud of you, Ror!" Finn exclaimed as he picked Rory up and swung her around before depositing her back on the ground and kissing her soundly.  "They would be crazy not to want you, kitten."

"I can't believe this!" Rory said in a daze.  "I didn't even think to ask you, Finn, is it okay for us to go to the City Wednesday?"

"You don't even need to ask, love.  Of course we can go to the City on Wednesday.  Perhaps we could drive in on Tuesday and get together with Colin and Steph and whoever else is in town that evening?  I know they would love to see you."

"Absolutely!" Rory replied as she kissed him softly.  "Now, we need Luke's!"

Rory took Finn's hand and lead the way into the diner, smiling as she heard the familiar ring of the bells over the door and Luke snapping at Kirk over the crust on his sandwich.

"Luke!" she exclaimed when he looked up to see who had walked in the door.

"Rory!  Welcome home, kiddo!" Luke replied warmly as he smiled one of his rare smiles and hugged her tightly before turning his attention to the young man who had walked in holding her hand.  Rory walked back over to Finn and took his hand.

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