Chapter 49

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"Ror?  We're home, baby," Finn said softly as he rubbed his wife's back.  She had slept a good part of the flight back home and they had just landed. 

"Hmm?" she mumbled sleepily.

"We're landing, so it's time for my beautiful wife to wake up," Finn said with a laugh. 

"Oh.  How long did I sleep?" she asked as she stretched.

"About eight hours.  You must have been exhausted."

"I'm telling you - growing a baby isn't for the faint of heart," Rory said with a laugh.

"Speaking of which, we need to make you a doctor's appointment as soon as we get back to our place.  I want us to go and let the doctor take a look at the both of you and make sure everything's going as it should be," said Finn.

"Yeah, that would be a good idea.  I'll call my doctor and see how soon she can get us in," Rory agreed.  "So, how are we going to tell all of our friends our big news?"

"We could invite everyone over for dinner and then tell everyone at once?" offered Finn.

"Yeah, I think that would be perfect.  Mom also mentioned wanting to throw us a party so we could celebrate our marriage with everyone.  Would that be okay with you?"

"I'll never turn down an opportunity to show my gorgeous wife off," Finn said with a smile.

"You may feel differently once I'm hugely pregnant," Rory chuckled.

"No way, I'll always be proud to show you off.  I think you'll be irresistible even when you're about to give birth to our child," he said with a smile.  "In fact, I would bet that I'll think you look even more ravishing when you have a round, pregnant belly."

Rory smiled and snuggled into his arms.  "I love my husband so much," she whispered softly.

"And I love my wife more than anything in the world."

Their jet touched down and Finn quickly whisked Rory into the waiting town car that would take them to their apartment.  Traffic was light and they made good time in getting home.  As soon as they walked in the door, Rory called her doctor and made an appointment for the next afternoon.  She was grateful that they'd had a cancellation and she could get in so quickly. 

After she hung up the phone, she and Finn began sending texts to the gang from Yale to invite them to dinner the next night.  They would have seen the doctor at that point, and they also had the news of their marriage to share. 

"Hey, I think Kate and Laura are in New York this week.  Would it be okay if I invite them along as well?" Rory asked.

"Of course it is!  It's our celebration; you don't need to ask my permission to invite your friends," chuckled Finn.

"How do you think Logan will take the news?" Rory asked as they settled onto the couch together.  "I know that we've all been on good terms since my birthday, but it still concerns me."

"I think he'll be surprised, but happy for us, Love.  The way he reacted to our misunderstanding last month made me realize that he's really moved on and is okay with us.  He really gave me hell over the way I was acting," admitted Finn.

"I hope you're right.  My feelings for him are long in the past, but I don't want to hurt him."

"And that's one of the things that I love about you, my dear.  You're so kind-hearted," he said with a smile.  He leaned over and kissed her sweetly.  "Now, is there anything in particular that you'd like to do today?"

"Well, we should probably go grocery shopping since there's literally no food in the house, and we should also go ahead and order food for dinner tomorrow night so we can just relax and enjoy the evening rather than spending all night in the kitchen," Rory offered.

"Well then, let's go that Mexican restaurant down the street that we like so much and grab lunch, and we can also order dinner from there.  Then we can get some groceries next door and spend a quiet evening in.  Sound good, Mrs. Morgan?"

"Sounds perfect, Mr. Morgan," she replied with a smile.

They both got up and grabbed their phones, bundled up in coats and gloves, and walked out the door hand-in-hand.  It was winter in New York, but the weather was a bit warmer than usual, and they didn't have far to walk.  They arrived at Dos Caminos after walking for a few minutes and ordered guacamole and two taco plates to share. 

"Mmm...this is so good!  I think Baby Morgan likes Mexican food," Rory said with a laugh in between bites of her tacos.

"Is that so?" Finn chuckled.  "Well, I will feed my baby and our little Baby Morgan anything they want."  He beamed with pride as he looked over at his wife.  Had someone told him a few years ago that he would be married to Rory he would have told them that they were crazy, but he wouldn't trade his life for anything now.  He was suddenly quite grateful that he'd been in Chicago to tend to business when she was staying at their hotel.

"You are going to be an amazing dad," Rory said softly, smiling at him from across the table.

"We're going to be amazing parents together," he corrected her. 

"I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else, Finn."

"Well, that's a good thing, because I wouldn't take kindly to my wife bearing someone else's child," he said with a laugh.

"You know what I meant!" she said, rolling her eyes.

"I do know what you meant, Love.  Now, let's pay our bill and get to the grocery store.  I'm thinking a night in with hot cocoa and some mockable movies on the couch are just what we need."

"Ah, you do know me so well," she replied with a smile.

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