Epilogue - Part 3

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"You look beautiful, baby girl," Finn said with tears in his eyes as he walked into the bridal room to have one last minute with Mia before he walked her down the aisle and gave her away. 

"Daddy, don't cry!  You'll make me ruin my makeup," Mia said with a small laugh.

"I can't help it - I'm giving my oldest girl away to some stinky boy," Finn said with a laugh.

"That stinky boy is your best friend's son," she pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

"Alright, alright.  If I'm going to give you away to anyone, he's a good choice," Finn finally agreed.  "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go get me married," Mia said with a smile.  She picked up her bouquet and slipped her arm through her dad's as they walked out of the bridal room and to the doors to the ballroom in their flagship New York City hotel.  It seemed appropriate that she would marry here, in a place that was so important to her family.

The music changed to the bridal march, and Mia took a deep breath.  Finn leaned over and kissed her on the forehead and placed his hand over her hand that was tucked into his arm.  He straightened his tie with his other hand and began slowly walking her down the aisle.  He smiled as he saw Michael tear up when he caught sight of his bride walking down the aisle and thought back to his wedding day and the way he felt when he saw Rory walking down the aisle toward him. 

They arrived at the end of the aisle and Finn snuck a glance at Rory who was wiping away tears as she looked on.  He felt like the last twenty-two years of his life were flashing before his eyes as the minister began the ceremony, and soon it was time to hand his firstborn off the man that she was marrying.

"Who gives this woman to be married to this man?" the minister asked.

"Her mother and I do," Finn answered as he held back the tears that were threatening to spill out.  No matter how much he loved his future son-in-law, giving his daughter away was emotional.  He placed her hand into Michael's outstretched hand and then slid into his seat next to his wife of over twenty years.  He slipped his arm around her and she laid her head on his shoulder while they watched Michael and Mia make their vows to each other, and soon they were pronounced husband and wife. 

A short while later at the reception, the DJ announced the couple's first dance.  Mia held her hand out for the mic and smiled at their parents before speaking.  "Michael and I would like to ask our parents to join us in enjoying this first dance.  You taught us how to love and showed us that while marriage is hard work, it's worth it.  In a society full of unhappy marriages, you were an example of powerful couples who married for love and thrived.  Thank you for that."  Mia handed the mic back to the DJ and walked out to the dance floor with her husband. 

Finn took Rory's hand and led her to the center of the dance floor.  He pulled her into his arms as the music began playing.  "You know, today brought me back to our wedding day.  In many ways, I can't remember my life before we got married," Finn said softly.

"On our wedding day, when the minister said something about us looking back on that day as they day that we loved each other the least, I thought he was crazy.  But standing here in your arms tonight, it's true - my love for you has just grown," replied Rory.

Finn leaned down and kissed his wife tenderly.  They'd been through so many things in their lifetime - some good and some bad - but he knew without a doubt that there was no other woman he would have wanted to spend his life with.  They had found their home together.

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