Chapter 30

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Rory heard Luke and quickly turned toward the door of the diner, where she caught sight of the one and only Jess Mariano.

"Jess!" she squealed as she jumped out of her chair. She ran across the diner and launched herself into Jess's open arms, knocking him to the ground in the process. They laughed as they both tumbled to the floor together.

"I missed you, too, Ror," he chuckled.

"I can't believe you're actually here, Jess," Rory exclaimed happily.

"Yeah, sorry I couldn't make it for your birthday," Jess apologized as he untangled himself from Rory, stood up, and helped Rory to her feet.

"Don't be; I know that you couldn't make it work. You can't change your book tour schedule for me," she replied quietly.

Lorelai looked back and forth between Finn and the spectacle that was Jess and Rory and their reunion. She didn't miss the look of hurt and confusion on Finn's face as Rory jumped into Jess's arms. Lorelai suddenly wondered just how much of her relationship with Jess Rory had told Finn. Her thoughts were interrupted by Rory's voice.

"You have to come join us!" she said to Jess as she linked her arm through his and led him over to their table. Jess sat down next to Lorelai and greeted her.

"Lorelai," he said as he nodded in her direction.

"Jess, it's been awhile since we've seen you. What brings you to town?" she asked her nephew.

"Just got back from my book tour and heard that Rory might be home, so I wanted to come visit," he answered her.

"Well, you know you're always welcome. The apartment is yours, as always," Luke told him as Finn's phone rang. Luke pointed to the no cell phones sign as he glared at Finn, and Finn walked out the door of the diner to answer.

"Logan, what's up, mate?" Finn asked tersely.

"You don't sound like you're in a good mood, Finn. Trouble in paradise?" Logan asked.

"No, everything's fine. We're just in Stars Hollow and some guy that Rory apparently knows very well showed up. I'm not really clear on their relationship," Finn lamented.

"I've been there, man. When I was out of town once this Jess guy showed up and I returned to find him and Rory going out to dinner. I acted like a real ass that night, insulting him and yelling at Rory," Logan told Finn.

"Wait, did you say his name was Jess?" Finn ask, realization dawning.

"Yeah, he was a writer or something. Why?"

"That's who it was, mate. He's in there now. He walked in the door and she jumped out of her chair and flew into his arms. He said he just got back from a book tour," Finn told Logan.

"Shit, man. I'm sorry. I had no idea or I wouldn't have said anything, Finn."

"Not your fault, mate. Do they have a history?" Finn asked, not really wanting to know the answer but needing to for his own peace of mind.

"Yeah, they dated in high school," Logan replied quietly.

So much for peace of mind.

"And since then?" Finn asked.

"I have no idea, man. Talk to Rory about it, okay? I'm not one to dwell on regrets, but that night is one of a handful of the nights during my relationship with her that I would give anything to be able to go back and change."

"Right, I'll talk to her as soon as I can," Finn replied dejectedly. "Did you need something?" he asked, suddenly remembering that Logan had called him.

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