Chapter 22

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Rory awoke in a wonderful mood on Wednesday morning.  She was still feeling the happy effects of the great time out with the old gang the previous evening, the tentative blessing from Logan, and the thrill of getting being so in her element the previous day in Finn's office.  She felt a thrill that she had rarely felt when chasing a story as she took charge and put her skills to work, and she was excited to get to pitch more ideas today.  Add in her interview at the Times and waking up in the arms of her amazing boyfriend and she was on cloud nine.

She slipped out of bed, kissing Finn good morning to wake him up as she got up, started the coffee maker and skipped into the bathroom to get in the shower.  She was beyond excited for the day.  She showered quickly and dried and curled her hair before putting on her suit and dress shirt and a bit of mascara.

"Finn, are you ready?" she called from the bathroom.  Finn suddenly appeared next to her with a package of Pop-Tarts and a travel mug full of coffee.

"I'm ready, love.  Thought you might want some breakfast and coffee for the ride."

"You really are the perfect man, you know that?" Rory cooed back at him.  "Now, let's get moving, mister!"

Finn chuckled at Rory's excitement and followed her out of his apartment and down to the waiting town car that would take them to his offices.  Traffic was fairly light, given that rush hour was over, and they enjoyed light conversation, Pop-Tarts and coffee together on the short ride.

"Are you ready for this, kitten?" Finn asked as they pulled up in front of the building.

"Yep, definitely ready!  I have some ideas that I think they'll love," Rory mused excitedly.

"I'm sure that they will, Ror.  Alright, here we go," Finn replied as he took her hand and led her into the offices and to the elevator.  They exited on the top floor and walked to Finn's dad's office to say good morning.

"Morning, Pops," Finn greeted him.

"Morning, Finn, and good morning to you as well, Rory.  I have a group gathered in the conference room; we are all excited to get a fresh perspective on what we should be doing from a media and PR perspective."

"Well, I'm excited to share my ideas with you all," Rory replied excitedly.  "I'm so grateful that you guys want to hear my suggestions."

"Trust me, you're not nearly as grateful as we are," Finnegan chuckled.

The group of three proceeded to the conference room where there was already a group of about a dozen people assembled.  Rory followed Finn and his dad through the door and quietly took the seat that Finn pulled out for her.  He settled in next to her and took her hand under the table, giving it a comforting squeeze as she started to fidget.  She relaxed at his touch and met his eyes with a grateful smile.

"You're going to knock 'em dead, kitten," Finn whispered in her ear.

"I want to thank you all for clearing your schedules this morning," Finnegan began and the room quieted down instantly.  "As you all know, we had quite a situation on our hands yesterday, and we were taking a beating in the media.  We were in a very precarious position since we are currently without a Media and Public Relations Director.  Miss Rory Gilmore took pity on us and lent her expertise in order to handle the situation, and by the end of the day our stock prices were higher than they began the day and the media was painting us in a much more positive light.  I asked her to come this morning to share her perspective on what we should do from a media and PR standpoint in order to better Morgan Holdings.  Rory?"

"Wow, thank you so much for that kind introduction, Mr. Morgan.  I enjoyed getting to put my education and contacts to work in order to help neutralize the situation.  I have a few ideas that I think would be positive changes for Morgan Holdings and would help keep up the momentum that we began yesterday."

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