Chapter 13

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Finn held Rory as she quickly drifted off to sleep in his arms, exhausted from the lack of sleep and the emotional toll of Logan's stunt.  He pulled his phone out of his pocket and tapped out a quick text to Colin to see how things were going with Logan.  He still wasn't sure exactly what he was going to say to his mate about the situation.  He was angry that Logan had acted like that, and he was also extremely hurt and betrayed.  He sighed as he pulled Rory in closer to him, feeling more calm with each passing moment that he held her in his arms. 

His phone buzzed with a text, and he picked it up to see Colin's response telling him that he had gotten a room at the hotel and Logan had almost instantly passed out, apparently drunk.  That explained at least some of the behavior, although it still didn't make Finn any less angry or hurt.  Satisfied that Logan was in good hands and was in no shape to have a serious conversation at the moment, Finn drifted off to sleep next to Rory.

Rory awoke two hours later and looked up to see Finn sleeping peacefully.  She gently traced the lines of his face, marveling at just how gorgeous he was.  She reached up and laid featherlight kisses up his neck to his lips, and he smiled as he began to wake up.  He rolled toward Rory and returned her kisses.

"Nice nap, kitten?"

" really was.  I hate that it happened because of Logan, but it's nice to see you again so soon."

"That it is, love.  Colin got a room here and Logan's sleeping off the alcohol.  I'll have to go deal with him when he wakes up."

"I know, baby.  What are you going to do?"

"I really don't know, Ror.  I guess I need to try to figure out what the hell's going on in his head and I'll go from there."

"I'm really sorry you have to deal with this, Finn.  I hate that I'm causing grief between you two," Rory said quietly.

"You're not causing anything, so don't think that for a minute.  Everything you said to him was right.  He alone is responsible for what's going on between us.  I need to make sure you know that."

"I do.  It's just...I hate it for you."

"I know you do, love," Finn answered.

Just then his phone beeped an incoming text from Colin.

"It looks like Logan's awake.  I'm going to go talk to him.  Do you want me to send Colin up to sit with you while I do?"

"I can have Kate and Laura come over.  They were with me when I found Logan at my door, so I'm sure they'd like to know what's going on.  And I'm sure it would be good to have Colin there with you as a buffer."

"You're probably right there.  Go ahead and call the girls; I'll go deal with him as soon as they get here."

Rory picked up the phone and sent a quick text to Kate and Laura asking them to come over, and there was a knock at the door just a couple of minutes later. 

"Ladies," Finn greeted the pair as he opened the door.

"Finn!  We didn't expect to see you here," Kate replied in surprise.

"I didn't expect to be here so soon either, but I needed to make sure kitten was okay," Finn replied.  "Thank you both for coming to hang out with her while I go deal with Logan."

"We're happy to be here," Laura replied.

Finn kissed Rory and walked out the door, dreading the conversation that was rapidly approaching.

"Care to tell us what's going on?" Kate asked.

Rory filled her two friends in on the emotional turn that her afternoon had taken, and they were both furious for her as well.  Both girls had already grown fond of Finn and couldn't believe that Rory's ex would have such audacity.  After thoroughly dissecting the situation the girls turned their attention to happier subjects, determined to have a better afternoon.

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