Chapter 44

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Finn and Rory's stay in Australia was quickly coming to an end, and today was the day that they were getting married.  Rory was giddy as she woke up in Finn's arms.  They'd decided to buck tradition and spend the night before their wedding together, neither of them feeling the need to cave to superstition.  She moved up Finn's body and kissed him softly, causing him to stir.

"Mmm...that's quite a nice way to wake up, Miss Gilmore," Finn murmured in between kisses.

Rory laughed and curled further into him.  "Today's the last day I'll wake up as Rory Gilmore," she whispered.  "When I wake up tomorrow morning, I'll be Mrs. Rory Morgan."

"Indeed you will, Love.  You know, this may be the first time I've ever known you to wake up before the alarm clock went off," Finn teased.

"Well, what can I say?  It's an exciting day!"

"It really is.  You ready to get up and ready for our flight?" Finn asked.  They had an early flight to Adelaide on the Morgan family's private jet.  Rory hadn't seen their wedding venue yet.  Finn was quite excited to surprise her with his choice of location.

Rory sprung out of bed and hurried off toward the bathroom, anxious to get the day started.  She had no doubts about marrying Finn; she was ready to take her vows and become his wife.

"Am I allowed to shower with you this morning?" Finn asked as he joined her in the bathroom.

"I can't think of a better way to start our wedding day," Rory replied seductively.

Finn followed Rory into the bathroom and took his time, savoring every inch of her body for the last time before she was his wife.  They emerged forty-five minutes later and quickly got ready to leave.  Finnegan and Amelia had taken care of ensuring that everything was waiting on the jet, so they just had to get themselves aboard.

They made their way onto the waiting plane and took their seats quickly.  Breakfast was served right after takeoff, and Finn and Rory enjoyed the quiet moment in their big day.  They had talked at length about how excited they were to be getting married in a quiet ceremony rather than having a day full of pomp and circumstance where they would be forced to cater to everyone around them.  With this plan, they would just be able to relax and focus on taking their vows.

"Are you nervous, Love?" Finn asked after they'd finished their breakfast.

Rory shook her head and took a sip of her coffee.  "No, I'm actually not nervous at all.  I'm excited.  I just..." she trailed off.

Finn's eyebrows shot up and he leaned in and took her hand in his.  "What is it, Ror?"

"I think I wish I would have asked my mom to fly out so she could be here," Rory whispered.

"We could wait and do it back at home so she could be there if you'd like," Finn offered.  "Or we could extend our stay here for a few more days and see if she can fly out - we could wait for her."

Rory smiled and shook her head.  "No, we've done all this planning and have everything set.  I don't want to wait - we're getting married today.  It will be okay," Rory assured him.  She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, and they sat in a comfortable silence for the rest of the flight.

As soon as they landed, they were whisked into a waiting limo and taken to their venue.  Finn put a blindfold over Rory's eyes a few blocks before they arrived - he didn't want her to see their destination until they were inside so she could get the full effect.  He guided her into place and stopped her just inside the door of the room they would be married in.

"Are you ready to see where we're getting married, Love?" he asked excitedly.

"Please!" Rory begged.  Finn laughed and untied the blindfold.

"Alright, here we go."  Finn dropped the blindfold and watched her eyes dart around the room.

"It's...oh my god.  It's perfect, Finn!" Rory squealed.  She flew into his arms and hugged him tightly.  "I can't believe we're getting married here.  Where exactly is here?" Rory asked with a giggle.

"We're at the State Library of South Australia in the Mortlock Chamber.  You've always loved books, so I thought there was no better place to get married," Finn replied softly.

Rory turned to look around the room again and smiled broadly.  It was a gorgeous three-story room that was floor-to-ceiling books.  It was picture perfect. 

"We'll get married right over there," Finn said as he pointed out the area that had been set up.  There was an aisle runner that led to a beautiful arch made of books.  The arch was decorated with flowers that coordinated with the bouquet that Rory had selected.

"I can't believe you thought of this.  It's amazing," Rory breathed reverently.

Finnegan and Amelia walked in and saw the almost-married couple and smiled.  "If you two would like to follow us, we'll take you to the rooms you'll be getting ready in," Amelia told them. 

"Of course, let's do this," Rory replied excitedly. 

Rory and Finn split off, with Rory following Amelia and Finn following his dad.  They walked down a couple of hallways and then Amelia stopped Rory outside of a door.

"We've had everything that you need brought inside, and of course, I'll help you get ready.  Finnegan and I wanted to get you a gift - we hope we didn't overstep our boundaries.  As you and I talked while making wedding arrangements, I couldn't help but think that this would be the perfect gift for you," Amelia explained nervously.

"I'm sure that whatever you guys got will be perfect," Rory assured her with a smile.  She couldn't believe that she'd gotten so lucky with Finn's family.

"Alright then, head on in.  I'll follow you," Amelia instructed Rory.

Rory reached over and turned the doorknob, opening the door slowly.  She stepped inside and gasped as she saw her surprise.  "Oh my did you...I can't believe it!" Rory said as she began to cry.

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